I've just been to a brilliant 2009 Burgundy tasting

Morning all,

Earlier I was deeply fortunate to go to a lewdly enjoyable 2009 Burgundy tasting. I’ve written a long and boring tract about it here, but I’ll quickly give you an overview.

The wines are wonderful. My worries in the summer that some seemed a tad fleshy and overly buxom have been evaporated by the raw quality, harmony and no-hold-barred gorgeousness of those I tried. The thing that surprised my most was how poised the whites were considering the heat of the vintage. They did have ripe fruit but brilliant acidity and most spoke of their origins very clearly. It seems a great vintage for Chablis. The reds just ooze with more ravishing pleasure than is perhaps reasonable considering their impressive balance and sophistication. If you enjoy Burgundy you should be committing acts of dubious morality in order to score all you can; from basic Bourgogne to the grandest of vineyards you’ll bloody love them. I did.


Great write up on your blog. I need a good burgundy resource to understand this all better!

Thanks for the great info David. Chablis has been on a real roll this past decade!

“I’ve rarely enjoyed a tasting as much as this one; I could barely suppress my desire get naked and rub myself with the wines whilst chortling with mirth”

I know it’s early but this is a front runner for Quote of the Year.

nice to see your prose and to see you chortling with mirth. Hope her husband didn’t mind.

I’ve hooted with glee but never chortled with mirth. I cannot wait to taste the wines and see if they are chortle-worthy. Seriously good write up David, and I couldn’t be more excited about the vintage. I have loved something about each of the last four vintages. Looks like it will be five in a row!

“You won’t have as much fun with a bottle of Bourgogne rouge unless it ends with going to hospital to get it extracted.”


This writeup left me tumescent with lewd literary bliss. Nobody hypes a vintage like David! Great to have you back Mr. Strange – stay strong, the wine community needs you.

Well, the understanding comes only with drinking the wine. [cheers.gif]

This is priceless:
“I was terribly happy they bottled it with a screwcap and the Champy representative was telling people they needed to drink it within a year. You won’t have as much fun with a bottle of Bourgogne rouge unless it ends with going to hospital to get it extracted.”

David, great to see you back on form. There are countless quotes in there that had me laughing, going back to reread to make sure I got it all, and cracking up all over again. Keep 'em coming.

By the way, since you are a big Morey fan, what is the oldest you have had?

A very entertaining read, many thanks David.
Best Regards


great report, makes me want to jump in my car and drive the 2 hours to Burgundy to spend my money.
We have no docks here, so no chance I can sell my body on the way to Beaune…

And, you are the only English author where I have to keep looking up vocabulary in my Collins


Brilliant report!..

And if you think you wrote something long and boring, please let me know when you think you wrote something entertaining… I fail to get what this could be [wow.gif]


Thanks David for the snapshot.

Great read. Can compare the 09 vintage to other vintages (say 05)?

1985 ;o)

Went to my first 2009 tasting last week, and I have similar opinions. The whites were superb and true to type, I don’t see where the complaints are coming from. The reds were spectacular with fruit and for the most part did not suffer in structure. Absolutely 1000 times better than 2008 for my palate. I am going all-out on this vintage and will probably have to sit out 2010 as a consequence (which has been compared to 2004 already, lol)…

I think those 2008s are going to creep up on you. Had Benjamin Leroux’s basic 08 Volnay last night - just sumptuous. Light and dancing across the palate.
And many burgundy growers are talking up their 2008s - producers who have already sold their stock, and have 2009s to sell.

I’m hoping that the 2009s are like the 1985s in that they will never shut down.
At 60, that’s my kind of vintage!