Is this the future of WINE BOTTLE DESIGN?,,1549487_6779581_6784365_4427254,0.html" onclick=";return false;

Decrease in volume or increase in length?

Seems that it would just drive up the price of wine - no thanks.

But if you store bottles on the side (that doesn’t look like a screwcap bottle) you still need to stand it up in advance (and hope sediment isn’t caught above “ledge”). Right?
Decanting really isn’t that difficult.

Main problem: this bottle is really ugly. Not the greatest feat of Spanish design…

I like the concept. The problem is it will take thirty years or more to prove it is effective.


Hmmm. A “bottle … which prevents wine sediment from falling into the glass.”

Wasn’t that the point of the shoulders on a Bordeaux bottle?

How about a built-into-the-bottle mesh strainer instead?

As I’ve said, I don’t like the bottle, but a mesh strainer would be downright foolish. Since the deposits are formed in the bottle, how could they fall to the bottom if you had a mesh strainer built in?

In the neck?
That said, I prefer things as they are.
Best, Jim


And, if it wasn’t clear: I was joking.

I’m probably the ideal consumer from this product, since I rarely decant anything, and when I do, it’s usually back to bottle, so I can see this having some appeal (although becoming a new standard is obviously out of the question).

That said, I’m not interested in the extra size, weight and cost the bottle will surely bring, nor am I excited about the look, however, if that’s the only bottle a wine I want comes in, it won’t stop me from buying it. I rarely buy cases of anything, though, so there again I’m probably more tolerant of the format than many.

The other big question is whether it really works as advertised. I can’t imagine it does anything for the fine sediment that gets kicked up during pouring, so the whole thing is really suspect to me.

What I don’t get is what this achieves that the shoulders on a Bordeaux bottle don’t. I don’t find it that hard to capture the sediment decanting from a Bordeaux bottle, so long as you have a flashlight so you can see what’s coming up the bottle.

This takes the fun out of a big part of wine drinking. Standing your chosen bottle(s) up a week or two ahead of time. Decanting using a candle or flashlight. And the best part, running the dregs through a coffee filter and gulping it down the next day after your decanter has been drunk up. dc.