Is there a Truchot wine drinking any better right now than

the 2001 MSD les Ruchots. I have had it twice in the last couple of months and it really seems to be hitting on all cylinders. Not a big wine by any means, but perfectly balanced, perfectly mature and with a nose to die for. One of the people I opened the bottle for last weekend did not want the finish the last few sips in his glass because he wanted to be able to keep smelling the wine.

Yes, the 01 Clos de la Roche.


Great wine, but to me not at its peak. I will note that Clos de la Roche has historically been and continues to be my favorite Truchot wine. IMHO, it is one of the great and unique wines in all of Burgundy. But, it is still young.

Also a great 2001 from Truchot is the GC Combottes, but also still a bit young.

It may not be at peak, but that GC is still drinking better than a lowly 1er. neener


Since you obviously don’t like “lowly 1er,” please send all of yours to ME. [berserker.gif]

I do not have enough data to answer your query. Invite me to dinner and I’ll gather more data.

Come to dinner.

See you in Novemeber

Popped the 02 a few months ago and found it needing more time.


I have had 01 and 02 MSD Clos Sorbes in the past two weeks and the 01 is singing. The 02 while very nice
can benefit with more time.

Wish I could answer that question, Howard, but sadly all my '01 Truchot 1er Crus are gone.

However, I would be up to the task of tasting through several candidates on a quest to find one drinking better now. Theme of the next tasting in DC?

And you know what you’re talking about, you have authored 100% of the CT notes on this wine! [thumbs-up.gif]

Wasn’t this your WOTN when we did the '01/'04 Truchot tasting a couple of years ago? I thought the '01 Combottes was really singing then. Don’t think we had the '01 Ruchots that night, just the '04.

Morey St Denis Les Ruchots is a 1er Cru, so I thought - what the heck? - I’ll just [u]check the price at Wine-Searcher[/u], and see whether it fits the bill of the mythical sub-$100 burgundy which doesn’t suck.

Well, the only hits I’m getting in the entire world are for the 2002, in the UK, and it’s in the $200 to $300 range.

Still looking for that magical $99.99 bottle…

I loved the 2001 CdlR then and have loved it each time I have had it. Same with the Combottes. No question that the 2001 CdlR and Combottes are great wines that will prove that with age, but the Ruchots is at that fully mature level right now that is so appealing. I am drinking the Ruchots and holding the CdlR.

Let me know when you are coming and we can arrange an offline.

That would be great. We need to get Ray to fly over too.

Thanks Howard, I still have two of these sitting around I think. It is so hard to open them though.

I have been trying to get Ray to DC for at least a year. I have finally decided that I will have to go to Burgundy instead (really tough duty) to meet Ray so that I am going there this summer.

I paid $40 for my 2002s. You’re right, definitely not a $99.99 bottle.

The value of cellaring, nathan - even the grand crus were well south of $100/bottle until a couple of years ago. Then two guys with lots of money and a desire to own a little truchot started bidding against each other at auction and that’s all she wrote.