Is Haut Charmes Sauternes the Second Label wine of Y’quem ?

I have been told that this is the second label wine from Y’quem…
made from their young vines…

I’ve also heard varying ideas that they don‘t vinify it themselves but sell the grapes to another…unnamed Chateau…though some say Y’quem does, in fact, vinify the wine
However, it all appears very hush-hush that this wine is even associated with Y’quem and no mention is on the label…

what do people know about this, please

I have no idea whether it’s from Yquem, but I bought one half to try it for that reason. My verdict: It’s not worth $14. It’s not even worth $5. (The 2007 version, at least…) Unless you really enjoy sniffing paint fumes.

The aromatics certainly are d’Yquem like. I have tried the 03, 04, and 05, and liked the 03 the best. The 03 was definitely worth $15. The wine is significantly lighter than d’Yquem, but I can believe the young vines story.

A retailer told me it is “the third label”. I’m assuming he meant after de Fargues. If so, then it is technically the second wine of the estate, I suppose.

What an odd comment. de Fargues and Yquem are completely separate estates. Even when Lur Saluces was running them both.