Is Climens the best QPR of all?

Is there any other top-drawer wine region, in which the top bottling (Yquem) sells for many hundreds, and where there is widespread love of the wines among many, and where the second most popular (I know many would disagree) sells for drastically lower, around $100? I think that the Yquem/Climens spread is not tenable, in essence, and should tighten. One might go down, but I suspect the other will go up. Now if there were only a way to hedge this trade. The only parallel I can think of is the 1st growtth/Leoville Las Cases situation.

just a thought…Noval Nacional and any other vintage port might also be a contender.

Vega Sicilia Unico and certain other Ribera del Duero might be another example.

Romanée Conti Romanée Conti, the top bottling, can be $10,000 a bottle and other Burgs are all cheaper.

In the land of Romanée Conti, Brouilly Cuvee des Ambassades Pavillon de Chavannes is the best QPR.

Montelena Estate vs. the Cali Cults comes to mind. I just landed the 02 Monty, perfectly stored, already 10 years old, a universally acclaimed vintage by the critics, incredible track record, a classic style… for $80 all in. What do Harlan, Screagle, et al. cost these days?

And Montelena Estate is always “cheap” consideribg all the reasons above. Not complaining, I’m happy it is.

Agree with Chris on this one. I don’t think saying that La Tache, Roumier Musigny or Leroy Chambertin is sold at a good discount to RC so they’re a great QPR too is fair. Whilst everyone’s QPR level is different, I don’t think there’s is anyone on the board at that level. The question is whether you think Climens stands out as the clear number 2 wine. The competition they have for that slot is probably Suduiraut (which is I love) and Doisy Daene L’Extravagant. Burgundy certainly fails this test (there is no clear number 2 wine).

Sauternes/ Barsacs are such high quality and well-made wines. They’re great value I just struggle to find occasions to drink them. You really need four people at a dinner to go through a bottle and a lot of people don’t like sweet wines.