Indianapolis wine group?

Looking forward to it.

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I hope this gets going. I visit my mom in Indy and would love to double duty a wine dinner here and there!

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Once we settle on an initial date, our plan is to “plan in the open” in a thread in the Events Planner category, so that others can find us and join. So keep an eye out for a new thread to pop up.


January sounds good to me. This time of year is just super busy. I would love to meet everyone. It would be awesome if @Andrew_K could make it as well. He has helped me source wine in the past and is an A+ person. It will be great to meet everyone.

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Not sure of my next visit, but probably in the summer.

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That’s perfect. It gives you time to lower your expectations for the plonk I’ll bring. :grinning:

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Hi, I’m new to Indianapolis. @Charles_Perry is there room to join this tasting group? Thank you!


Added. :+1:


I know I am late to the game, but I am a fellow Indy resident always looking to join fellow wine lovers for a drink and conversation, if possible!



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I created a new thread in the Event Planner category so we can get some offlines planned. If you are interested in meeting up over wine in the Indianapolis area, please head over to the other thread and register your interest. I’m looking forward to meeting everyone!