If you could only keep 3 online retailers...

to be fair, I only find K&Ls website difficult to use in order to get wine HERE, because they don’t ship to SC. [snort.gif]

but no their website is very easy to navigate. and i agree about the other two as well. its funny because Envoyers emails are great and the website is terrible, but for SommPicks I find the opposite to be true: the website isnt bad but the emails are like a treasure hunt.

the main problem I find with JJBuckley’s site is I hate how it loads the wines 15 at a time. and then when you want to see details on one and go back again, you have to start all the way over. it is not really conducive to browsing

But you didn’t have to pay tax either… that will soon change.

You nailed my problem with Buckley’s website. I am rarely seeking a particular wine when I’m online shopping; rather, I’m browsing. I don’t get SP’s emails … hmmmmmmmm…

he only sends them once per quarter i believe. entire inventory list at a time in PDF or excel format. its awesome if you just wanna do a quick search because you’re looking for something in particular, but its impossible to browse because theres just too much coming at you at once.

Same as Matt’s:
JJB (Geoff)
Used to be K&L but shipping got complicated (w/Chambers, too, now I only pick up in NYC) WHWC Woodland Hills also a good one from time to time.


(HiTime for spirits)

Fass Selections

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