I want a new Pinot Noir list to join (or good options at retail)

58 posts by my count :laughing:
…well 57 if we take away one of your two Big Table Farm recommendations post 51 & 55 (I kid, I kid :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:I know you said you had a long day yesterday!)


You can tell what a friend served me Friday night!


These plus Madson for a short-list of great under-the-radar Santa Cruz Mountains producers. Focused, terroir-driven.

2nd this opinion, BIG TABLE FARM!!!

Lynmar is great.

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Hi Lee,

Thanks for thinking of Briceland Vineyards. It’s an honor to be nominated.


If you happen to make it to Sebastopol, Sonoma County, there’s a place called Region that has a lot of Pinot Noirs in machines on the wall. It would be a great way to sample a number of the labels mentioned above (including our entry-level PN) without much cost per taste nor driving a lot from winery to winery. Once you have a read on the house style, you can proceed more efficiently with joining lists.