I’m 93 points on that [POLL]

I can understand the feeling that the 93 shtick is:

  1. a worn out joke
  2. an f-you to people who “care” about points
  3. hypocritical in that the real scores are on CT
    That was my first reaction.

But the 93 scores are actually as thoughtful and nuanced as the typically excellent notes that preceed them. They are not a condemnation of those who find scores a useful accompaniment to the notes. But they do force those who look only at the scores to read the notes. For those of us who care to know which of several highly praised wines were preferred, the scores are available on CT.

How dare you post a thoughtful and nuanced response!!! Can’t you see we’re in the middle of a total meltdown here??? THE POINTS ARE A LIE. EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS A LIE.


The interesting thing is that the majority view it negatively. Presumably it could inhibit discussion for some 60% or so of Berserkers. It seems unlikely that the group that looks only at scores would be as large. So the ultimate effect may be a net negative.

Not that the threads lack responses. The notes alone generate a ton of dialogue.

I´m not talking about ME or any Berserkers HERE, but about people who might visit here by googling accident - and find an outstanding 93-point-note which is simply misleading (and, yes, they might value points, but serious points which usually reflect the view of the writer …)

(BTW: I´m not reading Adrians notes anymore …)

People tend to assign confusion with a negative connotation so that makes sense to me.

If the worst thing an internet user stumbles across is a 93 point rating from Adrian, then they have had a pretty successful day.

I don’t think anyone is saying it’s a big deal. Speaking for myself only: do I think this is a big deal? No. Not at all. Do I think it’s jerky behavior. Yes. Yes I do. I think a lot of folks here are misconstruing why I (and others) find it to be jerky behavior.
I do not care if someone scores wines or not, and I assume most others here feel the same. Again, I harken back to that person who tells the same joke repeatedly over and over and over and over and over again — eventually, it’s just irritating, and once they’ve been asked to stop because it’s irritating and they choose not to – at that point, they’re just being jerky. YMMV.

Why do I continue to click on threads? Because I believe in giving folks an opportunity to change their behavior. But I don’t think anyone is losing sleep over this. Don’t conflate having an opinion with any particular level of caring.

Just for the record, even though it does not change my position on this at all, I was not aware of this until this thread, so folks shouldn’t be assuming everyone knew this. This little tidbit probably (well, clearly) makes the behavior acceptable to some folks. I’m not one of those folks.

When I scan Adrian’s notes, I generally don’t notice the scores. To be honest, the only reason I’m aware he started scoring everything 93 on WB is because people started complaining about it.


Put aside all the arguments on both sides, Adrian’s original reasons for the joke, all that. If I asked 100 of my acquaintances or associates if they liked the way I do something, and 2/3 of them said no, it makes you look like an asshat, I’d probably stop doing that thing.

Why should anyone dictate to someone else how to write their notes?

And since when does the majority get to dictate the format of posts?

I’m sure we could come up with a list of Berserkers whose posts are ignored by 60% of other Berserkers because they’re annoying or moronic or guilty of some other offense. Frankly, I find the mailing list posts (“Hey, who can reinforce my decision to purchase?”) deeply annoying, but I just stay away. I get really tired of rants about FedEx and UPS, too. (Who really cares about your delivery problems?)

For those of you who are agitated by Adrian’s 93s, just look away. It’s that easy.

Adrian writes some of the most honest, and helpful notes on CT. I completely ignore his use of scores, finding them silly. But, his scores are for him, and so none of us gets to criticize. Everyone that writes notes should be as honest, and thoughtful as Adrian is with his notes. In my opinion.

That said, his CT profile says that 93 is ‘good to great’, maybe that’s his point in using it on WB. It’s odd, but far from frustrating.

He’s a great example of one that’s able to use an ‘economy of words’, which is no small feat, and so I can look the other way if there’s something I don’t agree with; a small price to pay.

But, he also admits to being a (former) TA, so, by postulate, he is an ass-hat :slight_smile:

However, since Seth Rosenberg vouches for him, all is forgiven :slight_smile:

I agree with this, love his notes. And frankly, his (CT) scores are exactly how it should be done, using a wide range, and revealing how he truly reacts to each wine.

For me tasting notes are two parts - the actual details and the points. Both help me decide if I will enjoy a wine or not. If the points half isn’t included, or is always the same, the note is only half as valuable to me. The descriptions are still good and have some use, but without a relative measure of the overall enjoyableness (probably not a word, but you know what I mean) or quality of the wine, it doesn’t help me much.


An honest question - what if the note makes the wine sound ‘less than spectacular’ but the score indicates the wine is ‘exceptional’ - does that score ‘help’ you?


In case you’re not aware of the history, this all started because Adrian was taken to task (very unfairly, in my view) by some who felt his scores were ungenerous. So So [sic] is damned if he scores and damned if he doesn’t.

So, it’s the repetition that irritates you.

Martin Steinley wins the thread.

[snort.gif] [rofl.gif]

Best post of the thread!