I Love Doritos Nacho Cheese Flavour...

…that is all.

I like the sweet and spicy flavor.

Eating a Big Grab size right now.

Too salty, and way too much bad stuff.

I always have a bag of Cool Ranch in the car when road tripping. Last stop on the way out of town is a 7/11 or grocery store.

Hate Doritos.

Have some of these…

I’m more of a Cool Ranch fan. If we’re talking favorite junk snack/chips, gotta be Cheetos for me.

Who am I to judge? My junk food achilles heel (but I haven’t caved in over a year) is this:

Mmm, porky goodness!

Spicy Habanero flavor. I can destroy a whole bag in about 15 mins.
That why they don’t come near me anymore.

nom nom nom…

I used to love this Doritos but when I read the list of toxic ingredients I stopped eating them… MSG is one of them…

Doritos are the snack of choice of de debil… which is why they are simultaneously so tasty and kill you ever so slightly with each devilish crunch.

I don’t eat them but my wife does.

I’m pretty sure I can down an entire bag of the spicy sweet chili doritos. Or cool ranch for that matter. I can pass on the nacho cheese easier than those two flavors.

De Debil? Is he related to Satam???


I wasn’t really crazy about this flavor…

[rofl.gif] [rofl.gif] [rofl.gif]

Dude…what the hell is that??? [laughingneqw.gif]