I finished my cellar inventory! I finished my cellar inventory!

Let me just start by saying it’s been a long time, 10yrs maybe, since I’ve done inventory on my cellar and actually entered everything into CellarTracker. Online inventory was worthless. I couldn’t figure anything out. I built a new cellar a couple years ago and should’ve done the inventory as I was moving bottles in, but that was just too much to ask. I spent a couple of weekend days and many weekday evenings over the past two weeks going through the cellar counting everything slot by slot, box by box and then entering it all into CellarTracker. Last night at 10 PM I finally finished the task.

953 bottles out
1632 bottles in
Total count 1882 + 36 pending

Like I said, it was a mess. Found a bunch of stuff I didn’t think I had anymore as well as a bunch of stuff I wish I didn’t still have. It’s a very satisfying feeling though. Let’s see if I can be vigilant enough to mark down bottles when they come out and in moving forward. Now I just need to stop buying.

What’s been making you put off yours?


What bottle did you celebrate with?

I’ve been dry the past 2 months on a diet. I’ll celebrate when I can look down and see my toes.


Keep going Brian. Respect.:facepunch:


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Amazing motivation, I keep putting off organizing my wine fridges.

LOL this reminded me of this clip… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVPqftDcvBg

Because I never had an inventory to start?


The idea of doing all that manual labor makes me cringe.

Though I did find a bottle of 2002 Dom this weekend that I didn’t know I had! Was clearing out a space for some new stuff that came in, and voila!


Nothing but a paperwork shuffle. Kinda like being an attorney but without getting paid.

The lack of need.

When I buy something, I add it to CT. When I drink something, I remove it from CT.

It’s not rocket science.


I have a much smaller cellar than you but have been going through the same process. Tedious isn’t a strong enough word.

How did you end up calculating and systematically removing the 953 bottles? I never used the “bin” functionality in CT before so I’ve been adding all bottles to a new bin location. Once I’m done logging every bottle in the racks I’ll be able to see a list of any bottles that don’t have a bin location and can safely assume those are no longer in my cellar. Maybe there’s a better way.

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I had a great inventory (using Excel) for a long while. Over time, it got away from me. Then we moved, and it all went to an offsite for a number of years. It wasn’t until we finally built our current cellar when I inventoried as I moved everything back in. Very satisfying to have everything in CT, and the barcodes make it really easy to keep up.


If there’s a better way to do it, I’m not aware of it.

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I can only aspire to be as efficient as you.

We always get paid, baby! Always.


There is drinking involved which by definition creates errors that accumulate over time

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Drinking also engenders apathy and laziness creating further obstacles to inventory reconciliations

As I arrange tastings all the time and have my bottles spread over five different wine cellars, I really don’t have a choice.

Probably too little time has passed or there hasn’t been enough drinking, then.

There is a simple answer to that

I’ve been trying, man, I’ve been trying