I admire Robert Parker

Here is what he says about Marcassin Estate Chardonnay:

If one examines everything I have written over the last three decades, there is no doubting that I believe this is one of the greatest Chardonnays ever made. It represents a California version of a Chevalier or Bâtard Montrachet, depending on the vintage, although Marcassin’s Chardonnay is more consistent, as well as richer. In the autumn years of my career, I have come to think this may be the greatest Chardonnay produced in the world. Moreover, this vertical tasting persuaded me that these wines have much more significant aging potential than I first believed.

I’ve only tasted the wine once, so I can’t even agree or disagree with his position.

But he is bold, fearless and unrepentant in his opinions. I believe he tastes, opines and lets the chips fall where they may.

I think his legacy will be much more generous than is currently expressed here.

And you show a similar set of balls with this post.

I totally agree with your post. He loves wine. Why should he be accorded less respect that anyone else on these pages who might have different tastes? I called his office about twelve years ago to ask about something in a WA I didn’t quite understand and the lady passed me over to him and we had a twenty minute conversation, which was as natural and informative as I could have expected. It ranged from everything from ageability of Barolos to the difference between Dunn’s Napa and Howell Mountain bottlings. He is so obviously passionate about wine that, I think, he might engage in a little hyperbole from time to time, but so what? If he thinks Marcassin makes the best Chards in the world, well, good for him - I’ve never had one, but I bet they are damn good. If he were a poster on this board, he would be wildly popular. Why is he not so as the most influential critic wine critic ever?

Best Chardonnay I have ever had outside of France. Not even close, IMHO.

Their Pinot, OTOH, is not my cup of tea. Last bottle I had was virtually undrinkable to me.

+1 [berserker.gif]

I think you are mischaracterizing people’s criticisms of him. And I think the average WBs opinion of his career is rather nuanced and not as black and white as you are stating.

Well said.

And, IMO he is completely nuts in believing this. Having done the side-by-side tasting on a few occasions, Marcassin can’t hold a candle to any great, or even very good, Burgundy. Let alone a number of other outstanding California Chardonnays.

Mike, I understand your point, but then you would have to make the same argument about David Duke :wink:

Nice to see that Mr. Parker’s nose is still firmly planted in Helen Turley’s ass.

Alan, that analogy only holds if you believe that RMP is in the grip of some psychotic bias … which I don’t.

Where’s the nuance Bob? [wink.gif]

I only meant that both are “bold, fearless and unrepentant in his opinions.” The fact that both are also wrong is just a coincidence :wink:


I admire him, too, for making so many millions of dollars tasting wine

Thanks Berry,
totally agree. Issue is not his tastes or preferences or opinions (which have contributed greatly to wine) but it is how he responds to criticism (perceived or real).
I value his contribution to wine criticism but do not find his tasting notes any use personally for my own wine buying


Unless she has returned, she has had no part of that winery for eons.

I admire him sharing an opinion on a consumable product, that I agree with sometimes, and disagree with sometimes, as I do with most peoples opinions on other items…such is the beauty of wine and life.

I think you might be mistaken on this one Ron. Marcassin is her winery. She & her husband own it. I believe he manages the vineyards. She makes the wine. I don’t believe she could possibly have a bigger part in that winery.

Now where’s the fun in that! No pot shots, no crass remarks, no underhanded compliments, no controversy… C’mon Kris, step up! This is a WINE board - you’re not supposed to have class! neener

I have 12 bottles of SQN you might not get now…better?! newhere