HUNDRED ACRE offering… 2024

Hello, any thoughts on Hundred Acre? I got an email letting me know that I will be offered tomorrow. Not sure which wine. I would like to know how much are these wines? Looks like based on wine-searcher, cabs are around $700/ bottle!!?? How do these compare to other Napa cabs that are around $300-400 per bottle? Thanks.

Had the 2012 once. I thought it was a fine bottle of wine. Not as good as Harlan and a far cry from DRC so I didn’t really have any more.

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Had had several bottles of HA over the years, and have 4-5 in my collection.

They are big wines but not reaching to the level of a Bevan Bomb. Quality winemaking for sure, if you like the style.

To me, its not worth the entry price, and the QPR is less than ideal. But my Director loves the wines, and I never object when he wants to pop the cork on one at a business dinner.

Me? I’d rather buy 2-3 bottles of Memento Mori or 3-4 of Fait Main for the price of one HA.


I haven’t been a recent buyer, I’ve only drank and still have some of the early 2000’s Kayli Morgans. Really pretty wines with a bit of elegance, IMO, that aged nicely. Worth $700? I’d need more of an excuse than what’s in the bottle to pay that.
Other wines in the $150-400 range compare favorably (ex: Pott, Maybach, Greer).


Maybach and Greer are solid alternatives, for sure.


Pricey for sure but among my five favorite Napa producers. Love their wines.

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Agreed, they are not worth the asking price. I think Eisele and Colgin are better wines for less. Also, agree, I’d take three Maybachs over one HA.

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