How many bottles did everyone buy? (Poll added!)


Only 2 cases - mainly because I missed out on a lot of it because of being in a meeting much of the day where it was prohibited to have my Phone on, d…t!!!


+1 no white zin for me…budget is shot

I think I need to learn some restraint…61 bottles…ugh…

Lots of birthdays presents !
Happy Birthday [cheers.gif]

52 but I missed the Lorings as I was playing golf. Two cases were real bargains which bumped up the numbers but not so much the cash. Spent around $600+…not bad considering the qpr of this sweet event…thanks to Todd.

First day on the site, and I’m $700 bucks poorer , and almost 4 cases richer.

Great deals… [thankyou.gif]

Crap…77 bottles (3 mags)

You too? I was playing golf and missed the Lorings. Oh well, time for a visit!

I only bought 7 bottles - 4 Keatings a Siduri and 2 Novy’s - all different, none of which I have had before. Looking forward to trying some new wines (and then I’ll be in big trouble next year!)