How long will it last -- 95 Laurent Echezeaux

I am neither AFWE nor wealthy enough to have a lot of experience with older grand cru Burgundy. As my cellar ages I guess I’ll get a bit more. But fortunately or unfortunately, I got a little out of control the other day when bidding at an on-line auction (beware of live bidding!), and now find myself with a half a case of 1995 Dominique Laurent Echezeaux. From the Cellartracker notes it appears to be a fine wine but subtle and not an enormous depth of fruit. How long can this guy last if well stored? Does it have another 5-10 years in it, or is there a priority on drinking quickly? Thanks…

I would think that the longer you can keep it the more your chances of pleasure. These wines barely seem to age at all. A few weeks ago I had a Chorey Les Beaune 2001 stored for ten years next to a friends oven. It was sensationally good. On the other hand they can be really nasty in intermediate phases.

I don´t know or own this particular wine, but other Laurents, also a Suchots 1995.
The vintage is still youthful, no doubt will be more complex and interesting in 5-10 years, and no danger to fall apart for the next 15-20 years.

For me 1995 is characterised by such strong tannins that I doubt this wine will change much so advise you find out whether you like it now.