How I spent my time while WB was down

Frantically tapped my phone, waiting for the reload.

Now can get some sleep

this made me LOL because I actually did that non-stop all day because of all the updates I was trying to check.

Happy you were able to enjoy the thumb exercise as well

had to work!!

My wife had our first child!

See what happens when WB goes down??? Birth rate goes up!!


We played hide-and-seek in the vineyards at Sea Smoke.

You win! Congrats! champagne.gif

was in a group text with buzzini and fu. i had the privilege of seeing a text come every minute asking if the site was up. neener [cheers.gif]

Wept profusely.

Forty mile bike ride with my sweet little wife.

Wielded a 12’ pole saw at my parents house to trim branches so my dad could maneuver his riding lawnmower under the trees again. Whined about my sore muscles while drinking the only beer he had in the house, Miller Light. It was probably two years old. Yuck, but it hit the spot at the time.

Went home and vacuumed the pool, trimmed some shrubs, entertained some friends for, and drank a bottle of William & Mary. And yes, I drank most of it by myself.


I haven’t been that nervous and edgy since Skylab went down.

Uhhhh…does get-a-life count for anything??

ran 10 miles with my wife and friends, mowed the lawn,showered, had lunch and became a couch potato watching the PGA tourney

Based on my dumpster fire fighting skills here I’m sure they don’t want me getting in the way. [wink.gif]

I went to the Cellar Tracker forum and read a few.

Not sure how long the board was down, but Sunday morning and early afternoon I played golf. Then went to dinner at Dino’s Grotto with my wife, our daughter and her husband celebrating his birthday. Had a nice bottle of
1989 Dante Rivetti Barbaresco Enprimer Cru Katia. Pretty nice day.

Pulled weeds in the landscaping and mowed the dread (very steep) upper portion of the front yard. Minor cellar reorg. Watched the Man in the High Castle. Drank a gin Rickey.

Speculated with Alfert by e-mail about the reasons the site was down so long. Leading theories:

  1. Russian hackers.
  2. Russian hookers.
  3. The IT guys got into Todd’s cellar and their work, well, slowed down.

Bitched about WB being closed for renovations.
Caught up on reading medical journals.
Worked on a response to CMS’ proposed payment and quality rules.