Horsepower vs Cayuse?

For those with experience with both, what are the biggest differences between the syrahs? Been on the Cayuse list for a while, and just received an offer for Horsepower. On the fence about adding another list.


153 views and no responses, so I will jump in. I have only had two Horsepowers to date – 2011 and 2012 Tribe syrah. Both were really tight and closed. My sense is that they are comparable, and perhaps better than, the Bionic Frog. But it was hard to tell as there were pretty tight. I don’t know what the pricing is for this release, so hard to tell if the price difference is worth it – and of course this all depends on how much you prefer to spend on wine and your personal taste preference. One way to think of it is whether one HP is worth 2 En Chamberlain’s (or pick your favorite single vyard Cayuse). The calculation may be more 1.5 rather than 2, but the single vineyard Syrahs are quite tasty.

I hope others jump in, as I am curious to hear how others compare them.

I would also be interested in how people feel Cayuse and HP compare with No Girls – though I think there was another thread on this? Even so, there may be more data/views now on such things.

I have very limited experience here. The only two Hp’s that I have consumed were very young (2011 & 2012) - I only opened them to make a decision on future purchases. I have never had a Cayuse that was less than 7 years old, so maybe not a real good comparison, but I did give both bottles of Hp 8-10 hours of air. I found the Hp’s to be entirely on the savory and acidic side (no fruit, no tannins) - maybe they were just too tightly wound? I do think there is a very good chance that the Hp’s will turn into something special with 7-10 years of age. The Cayuse syrahs I have had have presented a more balanced approach (fruit/savory and not so acidic - just my opinion). Based on my limited research, I decided not to purchase additional Hp - especially with the cost differential. Cheers!

I’ve bought / collected all 3 brands. Horsepower is the most structured and will be the longest ageing. It tastes like a Cayuse syrah with more tannins and acids. As a result you don’t get the full benefit if you drink them on release. With equivalent age I think they will on part with a higher end Cayuse (e.g. Armada). I could do without the price premium and the fancy wood box, etc.

Cayuse itself there’s so many bottlings it’s hard to speak about it generally. If you wanted to calibrate my palate, En Cerise is currently my favorite of the lineup.

No Girls is the most feminine of the bunch. I don’t think there’s any stem influence at all. It’s Cayuse Cailloux with less tannin and more acidity.

Thanks for the replies. This is exactly what I needed to hear.

I bought initially, I opened a 2011 in late 2014 and found it to be all structure and promise…while enjoyable it’s a wine I think I’ll check in on again around 2021. I just dropped off the Cayuse list because I have enough based on my current consumption (about 1 bottle/year). I’d suggest that if you think you like the style of wines Christoph makes that you buy for one year…then drop the list and enjoy what you have. It’s what I did.

But in retirement I’d like a bottle each week?