High QPR Nebbiolo?

New user, here! I had my first Langhe Nebbiolo the other night, specifically a 2018 Fratelli Barale. Needless to say, I’m hooked.

Anyone have any favorite weeknight Nebbiolo, ideally $20-30, food-friendly, and on the Barolo side of things? Better yet, any favorites at that price point that might qualify as declassified Barolo?

Langhe Nebbiolos from Vajra, Elio Sandri and Cavallotto come to mind first. Not sure about USD but all are comfortably below 25€.

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Welcome to the board!

I recommend taking some time to play with the search function, or at least scan the first 3-4 pages of topics, as there are serveal very recent threads on the subject of QPR nebbiolo, with a ton of great suggestions you will not want to miss.

That said, the answer is Vallana. :wink:


2015 Fontanafredda Barolo normale. Really scratched my nebbiolo itch for small money.


The 2015 Covalli Barolo is available at around $25. It will not be confused for good Barolo, but it has all of those nice flavors I associate with Nebbiolo.

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Produttori Langhe Nebbiolo
GD Vajra Barolo Albe (have found it for right at $30, TotalWine)
Ca del Baio Barbaresco Autinbej (I paid under $25 when WineLibrary had it, looks to generally be in the upper 20s/low 30s)
Adriano Marco e Vittorio Basarin and the Sandaive bottlings were both under $30 when I bought them
Piggybacking on Ron, the Covalli Barbaresco is a good value

Lastly, the Produttori del Barbaresco normale can be found for under $40 if you want to step up your game.

I’ve tried a bunch of them lately. 18/19 appear to be good vintages for Langhe Nebbiolo. My favorites so far have been Vietti Perbacco and Burlotto. Brovia is excellent but harder to find for me at least. The Alessandria is quite good, Scavino and Sottimano good, and while I love Vajra crus I did not love their LN quite as much. Everything I named can be found for under $30 and will impress.

I tried exploring Alto Piemonte in this price range and it was hit or miss for me, and I know very little about the region so I’ll refrain from comment.

These I’ve bought at wine.com. In general wine.com isn’t great pricing, but you can get to some really good deals if you are a Stewardship member (free shipping) and combine with some of the 33% off coupons from the “Best deal/coupon for on-line wine shopping” thread. I was able to grab a case of the Produttori normale '16 for under $30.

I like Gattinara Travaglini from Alto Piedmont in this price range.

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I quite like the Cantalupo “Agamium” Colline Novaresi. If you can still find the 2010 (last I was able to find it at my local shop was a year or so ago), then you’re getting 10-year-old nebbiolo for $18 or so.

This is a great one, I need to buy more of it…

La Ca’ Nova Barbaresco is a great one too that can usually be found around $30, and the Montefico and Montestefano crus aren’t much more. The fruit used to be sold to Gaja years ago. Recent vintages have been especially good.

Vietti Perbacco

2019 G.B. Burlotto Langhe Nebbiolo

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Depending on where you find it, Brezza Barolo can be in the 30’s$. QPRRRRR

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+2, both the Gattinara and Spanna are excellent and reasonably priced.

Produttori di Carema, especially the Riserva


Just popped this one about 30 minutes ago, and it again proves that Sarah is correct. There are loads of good recommendations in this thread, but this can be had for like $18? Wha?


Kirklands Signature Barolo, $19.99 at Costo. I read somewhere this was (maybe) made by Fontanafredda…? I had the 2016 recently and its very good.