Help with Hermitage appts

I’m visiting the Rhone in early April, and am looking for an appointment option in Tain or Tournan, other than Chapoutier or Jaboulet. I’ve been to Chapoutier before, as good as it was, I’m looking for something different. I’ve got appointments sewn up in Cote Rotie and Cornas, but am having a hard time finding something other than the aforementioned in Tain that’s realistic for appointments. Something within walking distance in town or a short cab ride would be ideal. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Bernard Faurie makes very good Hermitage and it’s possible to make appointments.


Some people I know enjoyed their visit to Ogier.

+1. Faurie makes great wines and is a staunch traditionalist + terroirist. I think he would provide a tremendous perspective.

Marc Sorrel is right in Tain l´H. near the main bridge - but it´s not easy to get an appointment.
Colombier is 1 km east of Tain near the highway gate … good but modern producer.
Domaine Remizieres is in Mercurol 5+ km east of Tain … also modern …
It´s almost hopeless for a not-long-time-customer to get into Domaine JL Chave - and he´s several miles south in Mauves on the west side of the Rhone …

Ogier (Stephane and Michel) is in Ampuis - and doesn´t produce any Hermitage …
Ogier the negociant is in chateauneuf-Du-Pape

I heard good things about visits to Ogier as well, but the Domaine is located in Ampuis, way north of Tain l’Hermitage.

Great info. Thanks for the responses. It sounds like Bernard Faurie, Sorrel, Colombier (I thought about them but wasn’t sure if they took appts), Remizieres, or Ferraton are all possibilities.

As much as I’d love to go to JL Chave, I don’t think it’s worth spending time on… although our winemaker got an appointment years ago, but I think he knew someone.

Has anyone been to Compagnie de L’Hermitage? It gets great reviews online, and sounds like they usually have some wines open to taste.

I finally, after a bunch of Google searches, found a good repository of Tain-area producers who may accept appointments: