Heat spike coming to Napa/Sonoma?

Looks like a heat spike is on its way to Napa/Sonoma mid week next week. I see predicted temps in the high 90’s for several days. Will this adversely affect grapes still on the vines for those looking for more hangtime? Or will it just speed things up a little?

From what AG has been saying on his site it seems to be that most producers are either currently finishing/in the middle of/begin any day of picking so I think it won’t affect most. It could hurry up the process just a little possibly but not adversely affect them from what I can read from most producers

Most of what is left on the vine out here in Napa is Cabernet and Merlot (as well as the other red Bordeaux varieties). In most areas, the heat spike won’t be a problem, just a little push to finish up ripening. Vineyards will get a little extra water over the weekend, but all it means is the next two weeks A LOT of fruit will be coming in. Most of the Cab/Merlot blocks haven’t been harvested. With the heat spike last weekend and the one coming this weekend, we are going to see most of the remaining fruit come in over the next two weeks. It’s okay, we’ll sleep in late October.