Have I become a wine snob? Say it ain't so.

Bedrock good.

So what did you Pobega when you got home?

Nothing. Had a Papas All Black and Griffin’s Lair earlier this year and was impressed, so I took the plunge. Of the pourings yesterday, the Lorenzo and Monte Rosso looked good.

I’ll consider that borderline pobegaing since I’ve yet to pop a Papas. Maybe in 3 or 4 years if I can control myself.

The Monte Rosso and Lorenzo’s were my favorites from yesterday as well but they all were impressive.

My answer to this dilemma is that I always bring a few decent QPR bottles to such a gathering. I don’t bring ostentatiously good bottles; I veer in the direction of bottles of interesting wine that people who aren’t wine snobs might find unique or interesting. I like to bring varietals people might like, but maybe would be less familiar with: Portuguese, Spanish, secondary regions or bottles of Italian or French wine, or entry level bottles from CA wineries that aren’t generally well known (but have a lot of merit) and therefore are a bit less expensive. Actually some people I have done this with do perceive this as a different level of wine snobbery. That said, most people enjoy having additional wine appear. And, at this point pretty much everyone I do this with simply accepts it as a given. I generally do it discreetly, just put them on the table, and let it blend in! Some friends eventually ask me about the wines they are tasting, have never heard of, and like. At parties celebrating occasions, I bring one wrapped, and a few extras!

OTOH, it is in restaurants that I find the real issue. I live in MA on the NH border, and New Hampshire’s wine laws make viable wine lists a rarity… especially in the “country”. Often I find myself in restaurants where there really isn’t any wine worth drinking… and then I do in fact drink any craft beer option available. Not that I am less picky about beer, but often the selection of QPR craft beer is far more accessible on restaurant beverage lists.

I did bring a QPR in the Bedrock but felt strange wanting to open it when he still had four other bottles open. They were basically gifts.

well you could have just added a little 7Up or Sprite to your wine, duh.

You’re only a snob if you complained about the selection at the party. If someone serves wine you don’t feel like drinking (or in my parlance isn’t worth the calories) drink water,soda, etc. and enjoy the company.

I only complained here so that doesn’t count. Right? [berserker.gif]

Soda is never worth the calories. Even when it is zero calories.

I guess it depends upon which KJ Chard it was. I’m not sure of what the absolute lowest tier is but I’d guess that it’s the “Vintner’s” California designation which runs about $11. Unfortunately, I’ve seen much worse than that at parties or events. It definitely isn’t good, but IMO, it’s hardly torture. I think I’d rather drink that than $10 a bottle generic liquor. But I’d likely just have a beer.

I certainly don’t think one is a snob for opting to not drink something they didn’t want, assuming they made no commentary about the quality of the wine. Personally I wouldn’t feel MUCH disappointment if I went to a friend’s party and the booze was crummy, or they didn’t open what I brought. I’m there to share the event and get a boatload of opportunities to drink good wine. I bring bottles quite often. Even if one brings a second bottle, not intended to be a gift, one has to realize it very likely might not get opened. Not that I’m saying you over-reacted Brian.

If you show me a 10 dollar wine that I don’t already know about and that I can enjoy, I’ll probably kiss you full on the lips.
I don’t think there are too many here who don’t want that.

But I don’t try to draw these fine lines. I’m a snob. About all things. There’s little question.

Right on both counts. I have my snob certificate, but I have yet to earn the “no soda” sash. Good for you.

I can attest to this. At dinner the other night, with a beautiful bone-in ribeye in front of him, Brian leans over to me and says “this just isn’t interesting.” Of course, he was right, but I can still rub it in :wink: Nice first world problems we have here, of course…

that was one pedestrian ribeye.

There are time when I do not even drink. Coffee or tea in the afternoon are better for me and really I prefer a latte if I need to drive. [oops.gif]


Count me among those here who don’t want the kiss.

As for the wine, Vajra’s Langhe Rosso can be found with a case discount for $10 and is very good. There are numerous barbera and dolcetto options in that range that are very enjoyable, among other lesser known Italian reds. I have no comment on the larger discussion of snobbery, at least not that I wish to share.

LOL. Yeah, I didn’t phrase that well. I meant, “I don’t think there are too many here who don’t want that 10 dollar wine.”

If I’m surrounded by the great unwashed, I am not above bringing a good bottle and hiding it somewhere in the home of the host – sneaking out of the room ocassionally to pour myself a glass of the good stuff.

That stood out to me too…

Brian, if you drink Zinfandel, you’re not a wine snob. It has to be the least snobby grape out there, even the good, somewhat geeky stuff. And here’s to Zinfandel! [cheers.gif]