Happy New Year and Congratulations

Happy New Year to the Wine Berserkers and congratulations on the success of your bulletin board, for its first year in existence. I recently had opened a Dom Perignon 1996 that was… corked, but may try my luck with another bottle from my dwindling stash (now just 4) to celebrate 2010.



Happy New Year to you as well, and congratulations to us ALL - it’s a community here, and we all deserve to take pride in the ownership of it, in its growth, and future development!


Our New Years Eve plans have changed, with a sick kid, so I’m laying low tonight, apparently.

content of winebeserkers is getting more and more solid, less and less “bitchy”. Now I come here first before I go to the other board.

So congratulations go out to YOU, Seaway!!!


Happy New Year and Congrats!!!

Happy New Year All
I hear a Seven Stones calling my name for tonight.
It’s been a great year here and looking forward to more great TN and all the rest.

I will mirror what others have said . . . .

Happy Holidays and Happy New Years to all . . . . . I hope that you all had a great 2009 and will have an even better 2010!

And congrats to this board - it is not only surviving, but thriving!!! And thanks go to Todd et al for getting it off the ground - and keeping it rolling!

Let’s look forward to a wonderful 2010 on this board - full of sharing of ideas, wines, and open minds, please (-:
