Hand Picked Selections sold

Congratulations…and well done!

Congrats, always enjoyed your wines!

Amazing Dan. Congrats to you for building the business and hopefully to now enjoying your retirement from it. And congrats to Sunil and team for leading the next generation at HPS.

I had the privilege of sitting near Dan at one of our tastings. Great palate and lovely man. As others have said, I do hope you continue to be a contributor on the boards.

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Well done Dan and like others I do hope you’ll continue to give us your always insightful and fascinating reports here.

Dan, congratuations on your success!

Congratulations, Dan, and best of luck for the next chapter. I can’t think of a more fitting outcome for someone to build a business, with all the blood, sweat, and tears that takes, navigate the ups and downs over 35 yrs, and then leave a thriving enterprise in the capable hands of your protégé. I have benefitted from your knowledge, especially with Pegau, and hope to enjoy more of your posts in the future.

Pre-toast shot. . .

Congratulations, Dan . . . clink !

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Just chiming in congratulations, and seconding Tom, please continue posting–always appreciate your insights.

Best wishes, Dan!!

I hope you are doing well!!

Well done! Enjoy semi-retirement, but please don’t stray from WB.

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As so many have already said, Dan…congrats and best wishes…Can still remember…( quite fondly) , my first HPS wine, your Travis chard…

Congratulations, Dan! Enjoy your well-deserved retirement!

Congratulations Dan and best wishes on whatever you decide to do next.

Mazel Tov to you Dan!!! And congrats as well to Sunil and Chris!

I’m 94.65 out of 100 on this post. Congrats Dan. As Kevin mentions, I hope you’ll now feel far enough removed to provide notes on wines you imported. Particularly the Pegau’s & various Roussillon wines.

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congrats, Dan, on a great career and making a lot of people happy with your wines.

Congratulations, Dan. I wish you all the best for whatever’s next.

Congrats Dan - hopefully this means we can find a time to do the oft postponed Rhys dinner!

Congrats, Dan!