Good lunch stop on drive from Rome to Abruzzo?

Specific question not answerable by search. We are doing a couple weeks in Italy in July. Starting in Rome- heading to Emidio Pepe- then Venice/Garda.

Need to be at Pepe at 3pm after Rome stay and its 2.5 hour drive. Don’t really want to stray to far off direct path- the coastal route takes too long. Any thoughts on stops for lunch on the direct route from Rome to Abruzzo?
I don’t know this part of Italy at all- I’m intrigued by places like Teramo, L’Aquila , Isola del Gran Sasso on the route.

Thanks for any insight.

I have nothing to offer other than jealousy that you are visiting Pepe. Please report back!

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Will do. Looking forward!

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Bring something from Rome for a picnic?

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That’s an option. I Was thinking of doing early lunch in Rome and just heading out, but the timing is such that a stop along the way would be nice and a chance for a quick encounter in a new area. We’ll see.

I’ve jumped off the road before and just used google to find a well rated place in a town 5 mins from the road a few times in Italy. It’s been a great experience every time. It’s Italy, it will be amazing.

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Only one recommendation and it’s have lunch on a trabocchi. Not fancy, but course after course of the freshest seafood - you will be too close not to miss this. One of our highlights from our visit to Abruzzo.

We stopped enroute from Assisi to Castel di Sangro a few years ago. Just sit and they start bringing you courses - served with water and a simple coastal white wine, and very inexpensive.

Thanks, Lori! I keep seeing this as an option- you may have convince me. Cheers.

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if you have to be at Pepe by 3 pm you have no time for lunch on the road. I would ask the winery if they can recommend something close by

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