Gonon fans might want to check out Levi Dalton’s latest

I’ll Drink to That podcast.

If a repost, apologies.

Thanks. Here’s the Link. I’ll listen later.


Got through 30mins or so while on the elliptical. More today!

Welcome back, Kim!

Just listened to the podcast this evening - and I am not a ‘true fan’ of Gonon, but have enjoyed a few bottles over the last year (and at least one bottle that seemed ‘out of whack’).

All of that said, it’s a great listen and incredibly informative. He seems so humble and rational as both a winegrower and winemaker - what’s not to love? I loved learning more about St. Joseph in general; about their transition to organic farming and what he feels are the benefits (his take that the grapes are actually more fragile was interesting to hear); about their winemaking and how they embrace reductive qualities during elevage (runs counter to most winemakers, who, as soon as smelling something reductive, feel the need to rack immediately); his love of Marsanne (we certainly share that); his take on SO2 and why he adds it; and his upcoming challenge of finding a place for a young nephew who is interested in carrying on the family business.


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His interviews are so interesting. Happy to donate $$ to his podcast to help him travel to interview these vintners.

Donate if you like, but I’m pretty sure the vast majority of his interviews take place in NYC when winemakers happen to be in town.

If you listen to the episode he describes how he doesn’t like to ask for $$ but he wants to travel to older winemakers who are unable to come to NYC before they pass away. It seems a sincere sentiment.

I’m a big fan of IDTT and of Gonon, and quite liked this episode.

We travel to France and I plan on visiting Gonon/St. Joseph. If Levi is able to continue to interview these vintners, it gives me historical context which makes the trip so much more fun.

Ah, my bad. I did listen to the episode, but I always skip over the commercials in the beginning.

Enjoyable and informative interview. As was the interview with Dominique Lafon earlier this month.

Thanks for the tip, Kim.

I listened to this yesterday and would encourage Rhone fans to spend the 1:15 hr on it. Dalton asks great open ended questions, and Gonon has fine command of English, making the whole interview very easy to understand.

Somehow my podcast app recommended this for me after I had listed to an interview with the Marques de Murriete’s Vincente Dalmau. I wasn’t clever enough to find it on my own!

I have met and dined with Jean Gonon. A finer person you won’t find. The wines are fabulous. I started collecting in 2004 when I could get the St Joseph for $18 but before they bought the Trollat estate and got some REALLY old vines. I know they are popular now but they are just farmers living in Mauves. Jean speaks beautiful English. I imagine this is quite a nice interview. Thanks!

Is this a new one or the one he did a few years ago? I remember listening to that one a couple of times.

The old one.

Haven’t listened to the podcast but the St Joe is worth $100. At more, flip it and buy ethereum. That’s what I did and now I can drink Keller.

Thanks, although I still might queue it up again as it is great (one of my favorites) for those that missed it the first time around.

I’ve seen Dalton have a few less than cordial spats on social media. It really turned me off and I haven’t listened to his podcast since. This one might just get me to re-tune in even though its an older pod.

For the record, I’ve never personally met nor interacted with the man. I’ve just been an onlooker into some nastiness that’s unbecoming to public figures.

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This is almost unworthy of the Wine Bully Board. You are supposed to lean into the judgemental tone a bit more, while at the same time not acknowledging that you have no idea what you are on about.

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Well, at least now you’ve personally interacted with him. Ugh.