Giorgio Bartholomäus Tenuta Argentiera?

Was gifted a bottle by a corporate partner of the 2007 in a spiffy single OWC. Looks like a trendy super tuscan (I couldn’t help but think Masetto wannabe), but I’ve never heard of it. Any thoughts on this stuff? Worth drinking, regifting, selling, or serving blind? TIA

Big money project with big money ownership and famous consultants.

Nothing necessarily wrong with that, but if particular and artisanal wines made from a vignaiolo’s sweat and passion is your thing this is not it. Vineyards in a very beautiful, rather isolated spot, soils seem interesting from a glance without having seen data. Rather typically polished style but far from worst offenders.

Cannot speak for wine in question as I’ve only had a few tastes of lower level wines.

This might help a little: Argentiera: Fruit of Passion for Fratini Fratelli

If you like Merlot or are interested to see what the area can do with it, seems like it is worth it. Not like it is going to cost you anything. I don’t really like these types/style wines but find that many are equal or better than comparable Bordeaux.

My experience with these wines over the years has been consistent - the wines coming across more in terms of a highly polished style, than a place, time, grape(s). Notwithstanding that, they’ve all been clean, with good purity and above-average structure. Not something I’d buy for myself, but would like to have on hand for friends that like/prefer this style.

Have not had this Merlot, but I have had the flagship Argentiera blend (45 CS/45 Merlot/10 CF) in several vintages. I like it very much. The 2008 - tried the same day as the 2008 Guado al Tasso…Argentiera is every bit as good for less money.

Liked the 2010 even more and bought a good few bottles.

Not sure about the comments that this wine has no sense of place. I’d say I could pick this and Guado out of a Bdx lineup as being Italian ringers. The nose and acid profile are quite different.


Blair, I agree the wines compare favorably to Antinori’s wines from Bolgheri. Then again, I cannot stomach hardly anything Antinori puts out.

These wines from the bigger wineries of the area do speak of a place, but to me in a general and muted way, because of the size and commercial nature of the companies and the polished or worse winemaking.

If one were to desire more transparent wines speaking of specific terroirs, not only place, I would recommend Le Grascete or pre-2000 Grattamacco. Much more elegance and interest at better prices.

Or Montepeloso a little further south. Comparable to Sassicaia or Ornellaia in price and ambition, but much more interesting and pure expressions of terroir. Top two cuvees to my mind world class and best wines from Tuscan coast. (Disclaimer: the owner/winemaker is a friend.)

Hi Geir,

I had, and consumed, several bottles of 1998 Grattamacco. Not for me. Last bottle was consumed in 2008 and had nothing left - lean, austere and dried out. It is possible that my bottles were all damaged, but they were bought on release from the government store in Canada. After that experience, I swore off buying any more Grattamacco.

(Also, in terms of price, I paid way more for 1998 Grattamacco over a decade ago than I just paid for 2010 Argentiera…like 4 times as much per bottle…but I did get the Argentiera on a clearance sale.)

Can’t say I recall trying Montepeloso, but I’ll keep my eyes open for a chance to try it.



not sure I’ve had '98 Grattamacco, if so likely young and no strong memory left. The style definitely was leaner, but a '98 should not dry out in ten years. I particularly liked '96 and '99. Winemaking and style changed with new ownership.

Thanks guys. The Antinori comparison helps frame the wine.