Gallo Made Another Purchase - Massican

Very surprised here, but Gallo is certainly positioning themselves as a ‘one stop shop’


Wow, I never saw this one coming. Then again I stopped buying Massican the moment Dan started shilling wine NFTs… maybe I should have seen the writing on the wall at that point.

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The people at Gallo have always been very smart. I’ve been enjoying Massican whites for at least ten years…high-acid, vibrant, largely un-oaked summer slurping wines. If the quality holds and I don’t have to pay for shipping, I’ll be consuming even more. Congratulations Dan…hope your ch-ching moment sets you up for something equally fulfilling. By the way, all us Wine Berserkers, winos, and nuts owe three individuals a huge debt of gratitude…Robert Mondavi, and Ernest and Julio Gallo.


Did you actually talk to him about it or this a default reaction to something you don’t know anything about?

Among his “shill” NFTs were a couple of bottles + a long Zoom chat about the wines/whatever you want to chat about which was absolutely worth more than the price, doubly so if going to Napa for a personal chat is not on the table.

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Jesus! I knew Dan was going to sell at some point, but not this soon!

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There are other threads about wine NFTs where this has been hashed out endlessly, but the whole space is scammy and I don’t understand why anybody would willingly associate their brand with that nonsense. It just reeks of somebody trying to make a quick buck with 100% margins.

Here’s Dan’s e-mail from Sept 2022: “we remain committed to Web3, wine NFTs and the Metaverse”. Well maybe not so committed, it turns out.


Congrats to Dan! I bet he celebrated with a special bottle of Barolo.


This purchase by Gallo complements their Rombauer purchase this week at least for whites.

Gallo has tons of premium vineyards, is family owned, and at the higher end has revitalized or infused fruit and financial stability in some brands. As far as larger companies that could buy Rombauer and Massican, Gallo is one of the absolute best landing spots.


Speaking of Petroski…

I think it’s curious that Larkmead hasn’t sold yet. That’s a prime one for big company to pick up, and fits the narrative of how Constellation has been buying the last 3-5 years.

Not sure how committed to the wine/spirits world CBI is as a beer company first. Wine doesn’t make money. I could see CBI divesting the wine book ala Altria with SMWE.


I do hope that Dan continues to make the wines. Massican is a key part of my dry white wine drinking.


Could help a brother out with the eye chart acronyms?


So… yes, you know zero about what Dan did in this space and rely on bias-affirming bullshit to drop his wines. Cool. Glad we cleared that up.


He and I were texting, and he is going to be there for at least 5 years, and more like 10, if not longer.


I don’t know anything about Dan in particular but I’m pretty sure nobody did anything in the NFT space that wasn’t a scam. You’re welcome.


I love the WB default certainty despite total ignorance.

Maybe it’s telling that many people’s uninformed reactions to anything related to NFTs is revulsion and disgust? Almost like associating one’s brand with these things, whether one thinks it’s cool or not, is a bad idea.

Anyway, enough derailing this thread. Congrats to Dan, glad to hear that he will be staying on, even if I won’t be a buyer in the future.