Fungi Fun

I have a backyard that seems perfect for growing mushrooms. Fallen logs, water, partial sun, etc. I want to try my hand at seeing if I can grow some.

Anybody have a suggestion on a reliable source to buy spores/grow kits/etc?

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Even if aiming to cultivate, I’d still recommend getting a decent mushroom identification book to give you confidence to eat what appears. I can’t recommend one, as you’re best off getting one specific to your region.

A related anecdote from someone in the UK. They bought some saplings with truffle spores at their roots, with the aim of getting some truffles. They started wondering if they could train their dog to sniff out where the truffles were, but then on reflection, they realised they’d know where the truffles were as they planted the damn trees themself :rofl: In truth it wasn’t such a stupid idea, as roots can spread out quite a bit, and a little canine assistance would be an advantage

Oysters are dead easy. You can do a bucket or bed. Shiitake log are pretty fool proof but a bit more of a challenge to set up. I’ve used: Gourmet & Medicinal Cultures – MRM Gourmet Industries

This is a good youtube channel: FreshCap Mushrooms - YouTube

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