Foreign Language CT Notes

“Took this to Rick’s house, and you know how Rick is” seriously?

“Corked…92 points”

Actually, I’ve translated a lot of the non-English notes, and a surprisingly large majority say the equivalent. Double irritating!

(Anyway, no annoyance, sometimes disappointment, and a worthwhile feature request for Eric to integrate a “translate this” button using Google or something)

Well, I prefer to understand things rather than not to. On the other hand, you can’t reasonably fault people for using whatever language they choose. The obvious solution is to learn the language in question. I understand they teach these things in various places.

Yeah but what you all are missing is that there’s no reason to post in any language other than English. Or rather, American because what the hell is a lorry?

Really, who reads those other languages anyway? Anybody who matters?

I mean, who cares if something is quatre vingt quinze?

But drop a ninety-five on that and watch the bottles disappear from retail shelves!

Loud and slow, just like Sarah explained.

Been lots of discussions with Eric about enabling automatic translation which is quite simple to implement. Literally, something could be up and running in a week. But there’s a cost component to using MSFT or Google API for the translation. I’m not sure where it sits on the “to do” list at this point

IMHO, and my position, translation of tasting notes isn’t about helping american’s read notes in dutch but enable the WORLD to read all the notes written in English. That’s would drive eyeballs to the site…

Just read them to yourself very loudly and slower!!!

Make CellarTracker Great Again!

Moi aussi! Bonne Journee internationale de la Francophonie. champagne.gif

Perhaps CT should require notes in the language of the producing country.

Note is feminine. Notes françaises.

My favorite are the from the Scandanavian languages…one from Swedish:

“… ett fantastiskt vin!”

That reads loud and clear and makes me wish I had more consonants in my fantastic.

The private consumption notes as a tasting note peeve me because there is a spot in CT for such notes that do not get shared with the community as a tasting note. Use it.


I’m convinced they do this just to rile up us nerds. [swearing.gif]

I love trying to translate the Scandinavian notes without resorting to google!


Aw geez Rick

There are only 10 kinds of people in the world; those who can read that and those who cannot.

Maybe you should only drink wines made in the USA by english speaking people. Infuriating.

Dutch, German, that’s the problem. Too many of those insignificant languages around today! [stirthepothal.gif]