Foolproof peel-able hard boiled eggs

You realize foodservice firms sell peeled eggs right?

yo we aren’t all balling out of control to buy pre peeled eggs. DAMN. What next, you buy sliced fresh fruit too?

Pre-poured water.

Oh, wait, that already exists.

They also do precooked steaks, Chris

Just put in a bun, and add ketchup.

Why boil? Eat 'em raw. With protein powder. In a shake. I’m yuge.

Anybody use any tools for peeling them ? Seen a couple on Amazon and at Bed Bath Beyond and wonder if anyone has any experience (good/bad) with them .

I crack a line around the egg lengthwise with the back of a chef’s knife, and the shell comes off very easily.

I know this is a super old thread, but this is exactly what I do, 8 minutes +/-, adjusting for how done I’d like it to be and the size of the eggs. Simple, works great.

Some of the cooking times in this thread are blowing my mind. I’d expect eggs like rubber balls at 11-15+ minutes.

I’m a steam for 16 minutes guy. My wife is a boil for 10 minutes gal. We do both relatively often. Peeling is generally easier on the steamed eggs. Boiled eggs are normally also easy to peel but one in 7-8 times they are an absolute disaster. I’ve read that it has to do with the age of the eggs more than anything, but I’ve never done any scientific test to find out.

hard boil water, eggs in, cover, turn off heat. 12 min later pull eggs.

We have been buying the pre-cooked eggs and I’m ok with them-for now . Maybe when I get the urge I will make them . Hate the peel. Plus I’m eating mostly whites so too much effort .

I poke a hole is the wide end of each egg with a push pin, put them in boiling water for 12 minutes, drain and shake the pan to crack the eggs and run cold water until they cool. Maybe have a issue with peeling one out of every 3 dozen, but not a serious issue

Sounds like Adam Ragusea who seasons his cutting board not his steak :stuck_out_tongue: