Food Porn: Goat cheese pizza for one please!

Simplicity is so…under-rated.

Half the normal sized dough, floured and spread round
Extra virgin olive oil & Herbs de Provence mixture, generously applied
course sea salt
handful of crumbled goat cheese
corn meal
510 degree oven, pizza stone pre-heated for 30 minutes, 9 minutes cooktime
Fresh ripped basil
Goat cheese pizza for one, done!

Pobega, that looks delicious! Did you make the dough yourself?

Thanks Chris.
No. I live in the pizza capital of the world. There is a local guy I get them from for $1.29 and the are AWESOME. Mine are good, but have not reached AWESOME yet so why bother? A man’s gotta know his limitations…

Looks awesome

Mike, that is a thing of beauty!

Only problem I can see with this pizza, Mike, is that it looks WAY TOO SMALL. [cheers.gif]

Thanks all.
Steve, it was just right! [berserker.gif]

Looks good Mike.
Do you deliver to Joisey?

If my arm is twisted just right… [berserker.gif]

Looks tasty, as usual!

tastes best when it’s hot

That looks really good, nice…