Finding Leitz wines

So where exactly is “around here” and “our market”? [scratch.gif] I have no basis to determine if what you are saying is correct or a fallacy.

Is anything Nathan ever says correct?

I just bought a case of the Donnhoff Estate Riesling for house Riesling consumption at $19.99 per. Probably purchased it from within 25 miles of wherever Nathan considers ground zero. Whether founded in fact or not, Nathan’s information is shrouded in a troll’s inflammatory veil.


Wine library in nj has sent out offers on leitz. Also, while their distributor in NYC might be bad, it exists, so your favorite wine store can likely call then up to order if you ask (nicely, presumably).

And, Reinhold Haart. Don’t sleep on his wines, they can be as good as any in the Mosel. Any portfolio with Prum, Schafer-Frohlich, Schloss Lieser, Zilliken, Gunderloch (although I have not had their wines since Fritz Hasselbach died) and Haart is awfully good. Particularly, in the Mosel and Saar. This is like a who’s who of these regions.

What really is missing that he used to have compared with these producers?

The bigger issue I have run into is that they never answer inquiries when you try to order the wines.

So. according to the original poster, it truly is Leitz out? [cry.gif]

Leitz wines are sold by the Waitrose supermarket chain here in the UK, which must provide a decent volume of sales.

It’s funny because Leitz moved away from Theise for just this reason.

Johannes was disappointed in The Theise model as he had way more wine to sell and Therry would only bring in what was pre ordered and none was kept Stateside for reorders. So Leitz went out and did their own thing.

Building that business back is tough and will take some time but the wines are as delicious as ever.

Disclaimer, I sell the portfolio in the state of Washington.

Who had a solid case of Donnhoff in stock?

I haven’t seen 12 identical bottles of Donnhoff around here since the 2002 & 2003 gray market shipments.

I can understand the lack of availability but here in N AB we have a great selection of Leitz wines up here in Edmonton.

It’s all reserved for a restaurant in Dallas. [snort.gif]

(that’s a very old reference…)

Yeah, well “around here” I’ve seen TONS of Donnhoff. So much for facts.

There is some 2002 Lietz on winebid this week…

Chapel Hill Wine Company is my guy. His mail claim was:

The distributor received only 14 cases for the entire state. We managed to grab 7 of them.

I bought Leitz from him in years past too, but think that it was before the importer change.


I see cases of the simple “Riesling” screwcap bottling every year in a small local shop. They get decent amounts of a number of the other wines as well, including GG. It’s not that hard to find Donnhoff.

The reason for this is varied a few ideas that come to mind: i.) the last few vintages have been extremely small, ii.) based on conversations with German winemakers there are other big markets competing for their wines (you would be surprised what German winemakers say when I ask for the ranking of their biggest export markets, the U.S. is almost never number 1) and iii) lastly there are a lot new producers who sell better than old stalwarts who just seem to disappear because they can sell all of their wine in Germany.

In New York, the importer for Hofgut Falkenstein is MFW Wine Co. We have different regional importer-distributors in the States. That’s why our pricing is so attractive. (The others include Farm Wine Imports, Ideal Wine, Robert Houde Wines, Williams Corner Wine, PDX Wines, and Piedmont Wine Imports.)

Lars - You would die if you knew my Hofgut Falkenstein buying strategy! And now because of the shipping problems in the U.S. I have cases stranded all over the U.S.! Of course it is all worth it because I love the wines so much!!!

Sorry to hear that, Robert. But being based in NYC gives you an excellent selection of Hofgut Falkenstein. The smaller markets usually select only a few wines.