Famous wine writer at Cornell?

Back in the mid-late '70’s, there was a well-known wine writer in Calif who wrote a wine review newsletter. He then went back to Cornell Univ & joined the Hospitality Staff & was teaching wine classes. Somebody like Jerry Mead but wasn’t him.
Can anybody help me recall his name??
Google doesn’t help me.

Craig Goldwyn? He founded/ran the Beverage Tasting Institute (BTI) out of Ithaca (NY) in the mid/late-1980s (when I interned for him for a summer)? I can’t speak to the mid/late 1970s (I was in Ithaca from 1986 to 1991), so could be pretty wrong on this.

Stephen Mutkoski?

…and to square this circle, Craig Goldwyn spoke (and ran a tasting) when I took “Intro to Wines” at Cornell somewhere in the late 1980s, which is where I came across him. Can’t remember the prof who taught the wine course, but must have been Mutkoski. Goldwyn used his stage to ask if anyone wanted to intern for him for the summer and I was the only one to volunteer (and I wasn’t a Hotel School student).

Craig ran the wine department at Foremost Liquors on Western Avenue in Chicago in the mid 1970’s. He wrote a monthly newsletter/sale brochure there. By 1979 he was the wine writer for the Chicago Tribune. I believe he then went to Cornell.


Thanks. Craig Goldwyn was the name I was trying to dredge up. It wasn’t Mutcowski.
Now I forgot why I was trying to remember his name. Be assured… old age has nothing to do with it!!

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Thanks, Dave. Exactly what I wanted.

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Goldwyn was also the lead moderator on the old AOL wine board back in the early/mid-'90s. I know, I’m dating myself…