Falltacular 2024 - Saturday, February 17, San Juan Capistrano, CA


Forgive the overt capped message here…I just want to be sure I have reached everyone who has paid to attend this Friday’s BYOB dinner. Today is the final day you can cancel to get a refund. If you cancel after today, and given we have virtually no wait list, it’s unlikely I will be able to backfill your seat, and therefore won’t be able to refund your money. Once today passes, your chair at the dinner is locked! So, if you know today that you cannot make it this Friday, please tell me.

Of note, Jill and I had dinner at Luciana’s last night and it was terrific. You will all be in the heated outside covered section that is in the front of the restaurant, and it looks cozy and suited for all of you to be together this Friday.

I’ll post some final details before Friday.

Everyone good morning. Still making one final call out for long rectangular tables for the silent auction. Even if you have one and it may fit in your car then if you could bring it sometime this week it would be a great help. I know many of you live a distance away so this may not be a practical idea.

We may be okay with tables but I’d rather finish with more than less. The auction this year is about the same size as last year. Thank you very much and if you have one arrange the best timing for you to get it here.

I have a heavier duty (older type) 2.5 feet by 4 feet long… would that work for you? I can swing it by either tomorrow afternoon, or Friday around Noon time… Let me know.
Grover T

Yeah, that sounds like a rectangle. I can dig it, and can use it. Sure, happy to take it. Friday Noon is great. Let’s do that as I am home doing event stuff anyway. Thanks a million, be a pleasure to meet you.

Happy to help, see you then!

As we near the event, which is just a few days away on this Saturday, the picture of the event’s metrics are now quite clear. For those interested, here is some data about the event.

Total Guests Attending: 103, of which 16 are new to the event. Another 10 or so for winemakers and Laura’s House.
Total Front Door Money Raised For Laura’s House: just under $16,000
Total Silent Auction Items and Lots: 208 across 80 lots
Total Silent Auction Starting Bid Aggregate: just over $12,500. If we do 50% on this, then we exceed $18,000, which all goes to Laura’s House.
Total Of Distinct Wines Being Poured: 134
Total Wineries In Event: 41, of which 6 new wineries are new to the event.
Total Stations Inside Event: 7. (Note–all whites/roses to be outside in courtyard, using real stations!)
Total Friday BYOB Dinner Guests: 42

And, of the Saturday guest attendance figures above, 35 guests (some are counted as one but in fact are couples), these 35 guests have all come AT LEAST 10 years. Of this number, a smaller subset, 12 in total, have come for 15 years (and a few of these for the very very beginning before the event was licensed!)

I hope you find this data helpful, encouraging and validating for the work it does in support of Laura’s House. All of us, together, working alongside each other to do something for someone else in need, to impact someone else who needs us.

Here is the Event File with all the data, current to the time of my post. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6o9f75iuyman0t7klobz6/2024-Falltacular-Public-Event-File.xlsx?rlkey=6lxdvh64g8cms3x12vw8jijhu&dl=0

I will provide final details on Friday of this week but wanted to let this message above settle with all of you.




Hello everyone. For the 42 of you attending the Friday dinner, here are the final details. Should you have questions, send me a message.

WHEN–Friday, 2/16 @ 6PM

WHERE–Luciana’s In Dana Point. 24312 Del Prado. 949-661-6500. If you see Jorge and/or Kathy from the restaurant, please thank them. They do good work, provide great food and are doing this for us on a partial holiday weekend (V/Day and Prez).

BIG BOSS- Francine Haight is gonna be my onsite shot caller. She will check y’all in as you arrive, and handle everything there. Don’t talk back to her, she is in charge.

CHECK–The check is already paid for all of you.

CANCELLATIONS–Should you need to cancel, I cannot refund but i can look for a replacement should you need one. Holler at me if you need to back out and then we’ll shout out for someone to backfill you. If we find someone, I will refund your payment.

STEMWARE–Since some of you are coming from out of town, I am having Larry Rowe bring 3 boxes of Falltacular stems with him for the dinner. Use those as you need to but do me a favor, bring your own stem(s) if you are local so we can make everything work.

WINE–Bring as many bottles as you like.

MENU–pasted below.

Primo Selezione di Antipasti - Fritto misto (shrimp & Calamari), caprese and bruschetta

Secondo Insalata di Arugula - Baby arugula, toasted pine nuts, fresh tomatoes and shaved parmesan tossed with our lemon and truffle vinaigrette

Terzo Scaloppini Pork Loin - Scaloppini Di Maigle - Brined Pork loin

2nd Terzo Lasagna Bolognese - Fresh pasta sheets layered with ground beef, ricotta, and mozzarella cheese and herbs baked in a marinara sauce

Dolce - Platters for the Table - served Family Style
Mini Tiramisu, Mini Cioccolato de Luciana, Cannoli

I think that covers it. Have a smashing time, drink responsibly and see many, if not I think all of you. on Saturday.



Good morning. Tomorrow is the big day. We have about 110 people due over here, with about 130 different wines, a silent auction with over 200 items, all designed to raise money for Laura’s House.

As a goal, I’d like to see us do $35,000 for Saturday. We’re about 40% of the way there with the front door tickets sold, and if we can do 150% of the starting auction aggregate bids, we will get there. Already we have a long-time Falltacular donor/guest who has donated $500 to Laura’s House this week in honor of tomorrow, so we’re getting there!

Here are the final details to keep us all on the same page…

WHERE – My house. If you need the address, message me

WHEN – Saturday, 2/17 @ Noon

WHO – Anyone that is on the paid list. This is a private event and honors the commitment to our event license.

PARKING – Other than not parking in front of the fire hydrant on my corner, everything else is fine.

STEMWARE and NAMETAG – When you arrive, you’ll be greeted at the door. You’ll get a special glass for the event, one to take with you at day’s end. And a nametag (thank you Ramon!) so we all know who you are. And on the nametag will be a color coded sticker: yellow for Decade of Support (10 years) and green for Champions For Fifteen (15 years). We want to ensure all of these supporters can feel purpose and pride for their years of Falltacular support.

SILENT AUCTION and RAFFLE – Starts at Noon, ends sharply at 5PM. We will have the usual bid sheets and pens for you to bid. We will also try a raffle this year for a bottle of Colgin, donated by the Caplans. You can buy tickets for it in the garage. At 445PM, we will pick the Colgin winner. At 5PM, we will collect the bid sheets and come find the winners. PLEASE, if you bid, then win but leave before 5PM, we need to call you so print LEGIBLY! Everyone will be charged onsite with credit card and then you’ll be given your winnings!

WATER STATION – I have loads of water for us. Since, we don’t use plastic water bottles, I’ll have the water station in the usual place downstairs and please use it. Either your wine glass or our fancy reusable Falltacular drinking cups provided at the station can be used.

VOLUNTEERS – If you have signed up for an hour on my schedule, THANK YOU! Please come find me when your hour begins. And please bring your own corkscrew as we seem to always lose them in the event very quickly. Having your own means you can help me succeed with our stations!

AWARDS and SURVIVOR SPEECH - Around 130PM, I will hand out our awards and make my thank yous. And, we will have an impactful short talk from both Margaret (Laura’s House CEO) and also from a survivor who has used and thrived from the services provided by Laura’s House. This is where we see how what we do on Saturday matters to someone else.

FOOD – Bring a side dish and/or something to cook on our BBQ. This is how we feed each other, and is tradition, always more than enough food for us.

RESPONSIBLE BEHAVIOR – There will be spit buckets and every station. Use them. We have a successful and mature history in this event of being smart tasters. Please uphold this reputation we have worked so hard to earn. If we observe anyone that has crossed the responsible threshold, we will tactfully shut that person down, and when time for them to leave, have a car come get them.

AFTER-PARTY – Typically we get this going around 430PM. No additional food is being provided as we’ll just stay with what is overwhelmingly on the counter. But please bring beer, champagne or other special wines you want to share for those who stay for the after-party.

I think that be it. THANK YOU to everyone who helps us make this work. This event is by us, through us, in support of Laura’s House. We do it TOGETHER!

Looking forward to final tallies. So fun to have many new wines and people this year. Notes are up :slight_smile:

TNs–FALLTACULAR 2024 - WINE TALK - WineBerserkers

Shout out to Frank and his lovely wife Mrs Murray for being quite the gracious hosts. Falltacular is a really neat event - it was a lot of fun to attend and meet a lot of the Falltacular/WB crew.

And Thanks to Todd for the local suggestion - I look forward to drinking more fine wine with you all in the near future!

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Helluva first meeting with the locals, Falltacular!

Here’s to more!