Fall Shipping season: I’m TIRED of waiting!

How about you?

I just did a “tempcast” for the next week and it is way way too early but I’m ready now DAMMIT.

Mark, you are way too early. Go get a tall boy of Olde English and watch the US Open. In no time, it will be October.

Yeah, everyone is ready until they receive a shipment with wine escaping the capsule. Patience!

Mark I’m happy to wait. If I had the wine now I’d just have to cram it into my over-stuffed cellar. I won’t be drinking the new stuff for a while anyway. I can’t wait long enough for the barrage to hit.

Mike, my (small) cellar is down to about half capacity and about half of the incoming shipment is for near or medium-term - some bojos, CdPs &c; others for long term. I want to drink the near-termers and rack the lay-downs and I don’t want wait until October. Waaaaaaaaaahhhhh.

I do have a bit coming down from NJ which I should be able so sneak in here soon…

You can always grow arms longer than an alligator and reach all the way into you pocket and pay for overnight shipping. newhere

Our wine storage is packed full waiting for cooler weather to start shipping. Carrie is monitoring forecasts along the shipping routes and delivery sites and still won’t ship ground or 3 day across the country.

Here’s a “what if” to consider: The Farmer’s Almanac predicts a severe winter with biting cold temperatures across the midwest and northeast. Just as deadly for ground shipping as high temps. The Almanac’s claimed accuracy is 80%. Our local weathermen, with all their high tech equipment are averaging 40%.

It’s still in the mid-80s in NE Ohio so I’m still very much enjoying the whites and rose’s I put aside for this summer. I did just start adding reds to my ‘death row’ but I got an email from a favorite retailer today saying a wine that was pre-ordered was ready to ship & I promptly asked it be held for the end of September or start of October. I’m looking forward to receiving the wines that are pending delivery but have more than enough to hold me through to fall shipping season :slight_smile:

Hope you don’t have a lot of “prearrival” Burgs on order from Premier Cru! rolleyes [wink.gif]

+1. I’m enjoying my false sense of progress on getting my cellar back to almost a proper size for as long as it lasts.

My off site is almost at capacity and my home storage will accept a few. I might have to think about upgrading to a larger off site locker or go ahead and purchase a Le Cache which I really shouldn’t do at this time but it would solve my storage problems. So, I’m in the group that is in no rush to receive my fall shipment.

Summer can last until late October here so I wasn’t even thinking about it, Thanks for that. [wink.gif]

90% of my “pending” stuff is going to my off-site, so no rush for me. just get the wine to its new home safe and sound - all i care about

yeah weather here’s been weird… all july and august was 70s and picture perfect… now of course, once possible shipping comes around, shoots into the 90s. just in time for me to go sit outside at OSU football games and get goofy-looking sunburns :\

I was going to say, you guys up north have no idea about waiting.
I won’t see any shipments 'til November.
But I can wear shorts on Thanksgiving, so there is that…

I cant wait so i decided i would make a pick up run to elmhurst winebid. One case waiting for me.

Mark, who do you buy from in NJ? Just curious (partly because most of my purchases are from NY–the grass is always greener, etc. :slight_smile:)

Miami-'nuff said ! [truce.gif] [tease.gif]

WineLibrary - got me a mixed case of Thevin and Chanrion Côte de Brouilly at $19 and $16. Monitoring the weather to pick a day of low(er) temps to throw that baby on the truck and bring it on down!

(and, I KNOW it’s still summer and fall is a couple months off, I’m just tired of waiting…)

Yup. The shipping period doesn’t start until November, and I try to be done by Black Friday.

Shipping season in Southern AZ? Dec-Jan, maybe? The good thing is all the boxes arrive pretty much at once.