Extremely Broad Generalizations Based on Over-Extrapolations from Limited Experience Thread

All wines are a waste of time and money to drink something that has alcohol in it.

I feel your wound. The one and only time I got to taste a Le Montrachet, it too was oxidized! Given that the plural of anecdotes is data, it now becomes clear that chardonnay is a varietal that is certain to premox.

My first Burgundy was a Beaune bottled by Harvey’s of Bristol. It was not good, it was expensive and it was ten years before I drank another Burgundy. Oh would that I stopped with that one bottle.


I had ‘68 Le Montrachet once and it was oxidized too. But good oxidized. It’s definitely the greatest Chardonnay vineyard in the world.

Sadly it was drain cleaner and even sadder it’s not so limited experience with Kistler Chardonnay

That wins the thread.

Oh, and it’s the continent with 4.2 billion people. But all the foods those 4.2 billion eat only pair with Riesling, tea or beer.

…and this stuff


[rofl.gif] [rofl.gif]

And by the way, new world wines are all over the top.

I recently purchased a bottle of Red Burgundy from Wegmans, and it was virtually indistinguishable from inexpensive Sonoma PN. I’ve thusly concluded that all the Burgundy nuts on WB have been hoodwinked by a loose conglomerate of dumb French farmers into believing they’re trafficking in a highly contemplative product.

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Preach it brother, we could use a little help on pricing.

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I have concluded, from a careful reading of this thread, that all wine discussion on this board is useless since it is all based on absurd generalization from single experiences.


I once cut my foot on a broken bottle of burgundy; burgundy is a minefield.


All folks from Chico post like Anton. neener

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Well Chico is 1 of the 3 stooges.

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Winner of the Recursion Rosette

I once cut my foot on a screw cap, all screw caps should be banned.

I visited a winery in the Anderson Valley and tasted through the wines they had an offer. They were ok but I didn’t especially like any of them. I haven’t bought any of their wines since then and am going to taste at other wineries when I go back.

I recently had a bottle of Clos St.Jean Deus Maximum 2003 which was pruney as hell but could be rescued by some Wasabi to dip my Sushi rolls - and I realized: HE was right !

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Never eat blue cheese before drinking wines… I had some blue cheese with a meal once that was great but it destroyed my palate and I couldn’t get anything out of the wines I had with dinner.