EXTENDED $150 to Clear Out Our Warehouse. Final Franny Beck Closeouts $150 Delivered

Well folks, one last hurrah, our 10th and final Berserker Day. Help us clear out our warehouse of all our remaining inventory. If everyone grabs a case for $150 delivered, we’ll empty that sucker, for sure. I mean, hell, $9.00 Willamette Valley Pinot Noir, folks. Just sayin’

TO ORDER, simply follow this link to our order page

Multi-offer orders are encouraged! Contiguous US States ONLY. AK and HI will be priced for overnight shipping. AK,AZ,CA,CO,DC,FL,GA,HI,IA,ID,IL,IN,KS,KY,LA,MA,MD,ME,MI,MN,MO,MT,NC,ND,NE,NH,NJ,NM,NV,NY,OH,OK,OR,PA,SC,TN,TX,VA,VT,WA,WI,WV,WY.

We have two case deals on our second label “Our Wines” below. The first deal is complete user control and the second is the easy button.

Deal #1: The OUR WINES Build Your Own Case Deal- 12 bottles

This deal allows you to build your own case of OUR WINES Pinots. Simply add the vintages you want to your cart (sold in 3 bottle increments by vintage). If you want 12 bottles of the 2017, they’re yours. If you want 6 bottles of 2018 and 6 bottles of 2019, done. If you’d like a little of everything, you be you, Boo. You are in complete control of the makeup of the case! The discount will automatically apply at checkout when your cart reaches 12 bottles.

  • 2017 Our Wines Pinot Noir- 92 pts John Gilman - View From The Cellar
  • 2018 Our Wines Pinot Noir- 90+ pts John Gilman - View From The Cellar
  • 2019 Our Wines Pinot Noir- 92 pts John Gilman - View From The Cellar
  • 2020 Our Wines Pinot Noir

Retail value of $288+ approx $66 shipping = $354.
Berserker Day Deal: $150 DELIVERED

Deal #2 The OUR WINES EASY BUTTON Case Deal- 12 bottles

This is the same deal as above, but you just click the button and you get 3 bottles each of our ‘17, ‘18,’19, and ‘20 Our Wines Pinot Noir. Easy-Peezy

**Retail value of $288+ approx $66 shipping = $354.
Berserker Day Deal: $150 DELIVERED

TO ORDER, simply follow this link to our order page, select the combination of OUR WINES you’d like, then checkout.

A little background on “Our Wines”

Our Wines was created as a way to make available the barrels of wine that didn’t fit into our Franny Beck portfolio. The fruit for these wines was sourced from the same exceptional vineyards that we use with Franny Beck. The winemaking was identical. The oak treatment was identical. The elevage was identical. As happens every vintage, when we come to the blending table, there are barrels that don’t quite showcase the things we typically find in Franny Beck. These wines are just fantastic and we love them for what they are, undeniably Oregon.


Professional Reviews are HERE

Cellar Tracker notes for Franny Beck are HERE and OUR WINES are HERE.

We will begin shipping orders in March.

Sales Tax calculated at checkout. I have no control over your state’s tax law.

We ship UPS

It’s bitter sweet, but we just really appreciate everyone who supported our little winery over the years, especially those from day one. Berserkers played a big role in what were able to do at Franny Beck, so a huge thanks to Todd and Brig and Patrick, et al. Thanks to everyone today for helping us empty our warehouse and sending us on our way.

Adios and Via con Dios!



Wine is delicious and an amazing value. I have no room for any wine this year but this is a true no brainer for pinot lovers. Sorry to see you guys close shop. Best to everyone for the future.


Really will miss Franny Beck! This is a steal at a close out price, friends. Act now. In for two cases!


Thank you, Matt. Very kind words. Appreciate the patronage over the years

In for a case! Thanks for a great BD16 deal!


1st berserker purchase ever thank you!

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Will miss Franny Beck - always enjoyed all of their wines. Hard to find a better value on PN than the Our Wines label, even without the BD discounts. Grabbed a couple cases!

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Sad to see you go, have enjoyed everything I’ve had from you. Case order in.

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Thank you, Sarah!

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Daniel, enjoy the festivities, friend!

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Sanjay, really appreciate the order and the kind words. Means more than you know

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Pete, you’ve been such an awesome supporter over the years. Thank you, thank you so much

Have enjoyed your wines. This is now the 2nd order I have inbound.

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New to me, excited to try the wines!

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:sob: So Sad to see you go

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Thank You. My SO is so sad to see you go. Blue label was/is Her favorite.

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Thank you Keith! Appreciate, as always, the NC support!

Hey man, grab a couple cases! The best cellar defenders you’ll ever find!

Chris, I hear ya brother. Thanks for all the support. If I remember correctly, we tasted some 18s that are in those Our Wines bottles. Pretty sure I pulled some samples of the Armstrong and Bieze vineyards for you and your buddy to taste. Good memory

Mike, I think you are in the top five FB case purchase club. Appreciate you so much. Listen, if Blue Label has a soft spot, that ‘17 Our Wines is right on par. The only reason I made the OW that year was because I had too much wine in barrel. It’s an incredible wine, regardless of price.

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