Engel Anticipation

I am rarely motivated to write-up events after the fact, even when the wines show well. But now I feel like a little kid at Christmas Eve.

Most of my lunches and dinners are surprises, often blind. But, tonight’s dinner has been planned for months and I am REALLY looking forward to it. Plus it’ll be my first time dining at Noble Rot.

I’ve enjoyed quite a few Engels over the years, but never this variety. And with their ongoing price escalation, I doubt I’ll get the chance again. Fingers crossed the wines show well!

02 Brulees
99 Brulees

02 Echezeaux
96 Echezeaux

03 Vougeots
01 Vougeots
99 Vougeots
95 Vougeots
93 Vougeots

I am a huge fan of Noble Rot…enjoy the evening and I’m as excited to read your impressions as you are to attend!

What a nice opportunity to try so many Engel wines. Please do post notes if you get the chance.

I’ve not had either of the Brulees, but have had all of the CVs save the 03. I think you’re in for a treat.

I have a lone bottle of Clos Vougeot 1990. Any advice on preparation? Drink now or in 5 years?
