East Bay, CA dinner on May 6-10

Will visit Berkeley, CA from May 6-10. Any Berserkers will be around for a dinner/tasting?

Great China was recommended as venue. Wine so Cru is another option. They have a shop and charge $20 corkage to drink on premises.

Sad to have missed this thread, Noel. Feel free to message me directly next time you are in the area.

Hi Noel, I’m afraid I won’t be available then but I recommend visiting Great China while you’re there; it has one of the best lists in the Bay Area :cheers:


Still got plenty of time to organize! I will be staying near UC Berkeley throughout May 6-10.

Thanks for the rec! Will definitely check it out.

Oh, of course! I misread April! Sweet, let’s aim to meet on May 9 or 10, probably for a tasting.

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Sweet! We can do May 9.

The wine list at Great China is great in terms of selection and value. Does dinner sound okay or should we go to a wine bar instead? Do you know any good ones?

I’m down for either! We can do Great China or a tasting at Vintage/Solano Cellars. Either sounds good to me.