Domaine Tempier 2020 Lulu & Lucien

Hey folks!

I am in a bar/restaurant that has this for $60 (retail, but can also bring into the restaurant).

How is this? Is it a worthy purchase (more to age than drink in the restaurant)

TIA - @Otto_Forsberg are you still awake?

I just bought for $55, but haven’t opened. Very curious too.

The price is very reasonable indeed - I usually purchase Tempier at 45-50€.

Not really a p’n’p wine. If they can (and you have enough time to) keep the wine in a decanter for +1 hour, get it.


Well Dagnabbit Benjamin
.open one up and tell me! :joy:

Can come back tomorrow - in Ohio to watch the Steelers-Browns game


And if it was to purchase for takeaway (and cellar it), definitely worth it. Probably not the best deal you can get, but definitely not a gouging price. I could buy it and not regret anything if there weren’t any other reasonable options for sourcing Tempier.


There aren’t - thanks Otto!

So I bought 3 - when should I drink them?

I bought it in magnum to open eventually with my son who was born in 2020

Young Tempier to me is too ripe fruited to be enjoyed, but looking at CT many seem to think otherwise. Pop one early and see for yourself? I tend to prefer most Bandol 15+ years from the vintage even if some less concentrated/ripe-fruited iterations can drink well way earlier.

Isn‘t that just their basic Bandol rebranded?

I’m not sure the hive mind that underpins CT scores should be a reference for anything. Not a criticism of CT itself, rather it simply shows most people who consume wine are clueless (which, if nothing else, makes CT a representative example of the larger world).

I wasn’t talking about scores, they are not of interest to me. Just wanted to offer a balanced take. I prefer a more mature profile, but there seem to be many who enjoy (also) a more primary stage of this wine. I’m sure even some here.

I knew you weren’t!! But I think collectively CT users as a group open wines “too young”. Not “too young for my palate” (as I enjoy mature wines as well). I simply think the concept of maturity and an aging profile doesn’t apply to most CT users.

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Yes. They rebranded the normal for Lulu in 2017 (when she was 100) but I thought it was limited to 2017 :man_shrugging:.

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This. I’m the same, I like them with age (Tempier, Pradeaux and Gros’NorĂ© mostly). But I would open some early for a friend who likes them young so it gave me a chance to check in.

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Thanks Folks! :+1: