Any suggestions on getting a tour at Domaine Leroy in burgundy? Sent them an email via their website but no response. Arriving in Beaune June 2nd for 4 days.
Probably should get the name right first as Domaine Leroy. But visits are near impossible to get unless you’re someone with a really really tight in with an importer/domaine. Just emailing them out of the blue won’t get you there for sure.
They will only accept visits now if you are with the importer. If the importer you buy Domaine Leroy from is in Burgundy at the same time as you and you have a good relationship with them then you may have an in. They are also not accepting any visitors to the Domaine in Vosne at the moment as the winery is being re-floored.
Best Regards
I have the same information as Jeremy. There are basically only a few visits during the year.
Settle for DRC.
Tranlation NO, No Way, Think Again, NEVER…
Cher Monsieur,
Nous avons bien reçu votre mail du lundi 19 Mai dont nous vous remercions vivement ainsi que de l’intérêt que vous voulez bien porter à nos vins.
Malheureusement, nous n’avons pas l’organisation nécessaire pour honorer toutes les demandes de visites, c’est la raison pour laquelle nous avons dû réserver celles-ci uniquement à quelques distributeurs exclusifs.
Certains de votre compréhension,
Nous vous prions d’agréer, Cher Monsieur, l’expression de nos très sincères salutations,
Frédéric ROEMER
I’ve been in Burgundy all week and can tell you that it is harder to set up appointments with mid to higher end producers than ever before. Combine the growing popularity of Burgundy with wine reduced by around 50% the last couple vintages and they just don’t have the time or the wine. Thibault Liger-Belair told me that he gets 50 to 75 requests a week for visits. Imagine what Leroy, Rousseau, Roumier, etc. get.
I just got back from a week in Burgundy. On one of those days, we were with a friend who has been ITB for 35+ years. It’s only because of him that we got appts. at Mugneret-Gibourg and Confuron-Cotetidot. He also arranged a VIP tour at Bouchard Pere for us on another day.
BTW, all the '12s, even down to the Bourgogne, were outstanding at Mugneret-Gibourg. We tasted the full line-up.
Larry, agree on Mugneret-Gibourg’s 2012s. Actually liking the vintage very much having tasting a bunch from different producers.