I was in Brevard earlier this year, went into a restaurant with my bottle, and the lady very politely told me that NC did not allow corkage. Maybe she was telling me the truth, but since I will be back up in Brevard next weekend, I wanted to double check. Does NC allow corkage?
It is absolutely allowed in NC. Brought a bottle to a restaurant two nights ago in Charlotte. Some counties, esp in western NC, have additional restrictions on alcohol sales, maybe that is the case?
Sorry for the late post (and my First post to boot). We live north of Charlotte, NC and frequent 131 Main in Cornelius, NC. They also have locations in Charlotte and Asheville, which is very close to Brevard so if you get back there be sure to give them a try.
Best part, aside from the excellent service and open grill, is their policy of $0 corkage. Yes you read that correctly. Amazing dinners and value for a brasserie/grill type establishment. It’s so nice to be able to have expensive wine at a nice restaurant without paying 3-4x on the bottle. I always add $20 tip for the bottle itself because they let me open and pour it myself and the service is very friendly. Hate is a strong word but it’s my first emotion when a server fills up half my glass with a $250 Cabernet.
Happy New Year and thanks for the great forum.
Too funny, I drove through Charlotte yesterday on my way to Blowing Rock. Staying in a cabin for a few days. I brought plenty of wine, not sure if we will eat out to just do take out each evening. Any restaurant would be hard pressed to compete with the fireplace and mountain view ambiance of the cabin. But, very good to have this information, thanks!
For sure it is allowed. Not super common but unlike CO there is no law against it. A restaurant policy may well not allow it. Always call to check in advance.
For starters, always call and confirm policy and price with a restaurant before you go, especially if you’ve never been there before. Even in places you know where it’s legal, the restaurant may have its own policy, and it’s good etiquette. Surprising the staff can cause issues.
Second, I can also confirm that I’ve done BYO with corkage in metro Raleigh, so it’s not illegal.
Finally “fancy enough” to BYO this upcoming week in Raleigh, NC. Called ahead to check with Cucciolo Terazza about their corkage policy and was told $25. Cucciolo Terazza has a wonderful wine program for the record, but I’m turning 30 after all, and felt I would bring something along to celebrate! They did thank me for calling ahead about it…
Sorry to hear that happened, but you can absolutely do corkage in NC. I have brought bottles into numerous restaurants across the state… I can’t say I have done it Brevard specifically, but I have in Asheville and the Highlands.
I goto Brevard once or twice a year… do mind me asking which restaurant this was?
The Blind Mule.