Diamond Creek 2009 Futures

Somewhat inspired by the Heitz thread, I’m curious as to who else is getting Diamond Creek futures.

I’ve been a big fan of the winery for years - regardless of how perceptions of the winery have changed over the years.

Probably a decade ago I picked up a mixed couple of cases going back to the late-80’s. Slowly drank my way through and was never disappointed. Pick up a handful of more recent bottles over the last few years. Finally, last year I picked up the 2008’s and I ordered the 2009’s this week.

Anyone else it - or are they pretty much off the radar?

Are the futures through a mailing list or is it like Ridge where anyone can order? Potentially I would be interested. Can you post a link?

Sorry no link, but they sell only through a mailer only I believe.

If you are interested sign up for the mailer and you will get invited to their tri-annual day at the lake. Bring a swimsuit, picnic, and a few bottles if wine. This is the most laid back tasting. You also get a tour of the estate, talk to the winemaker and Boots, and taste the wines. Last year the 2008s were great.


Pardon the delay. Above is the link - looks like it is open to anyone. (It’s not a customer-specific order form.) 5% discount through April 5.

David - if you were going to open one of the 2008’s now, just for the hell of it, which would you choose?

Why buy DC on futures when there is an abundance of aged, ready-to-drink DC wines on the open market for less than $100? Some vintages are even less… Do some searches on Wine-Searcher - '86 RRT and GM is drinking very well right now.

Many of the top Napa wines do not hold their value on the secondary market, DC definitely falls into that category.

While I have seen nice prices on comparatively old vintages (which is why I bought what I bought back when), I haven’t seen especially good deals on wines less than 10 years old - and I don’t expect them to get cheaper. It doesn’t mean they won’t, but I don’t expect it.

I visited there last year. The property is absolutely gorgeous. I only got to try the 2007 VH. It was something special.

If you need a Diamond Creek fix you should check out WineBid this week…plenty to choose from…different vintages and formats with very solid prices…if only I had the budget…