Decanting guidelines

So I know the below might bring up different opinions, however, I am researching how others feel about decanting times for different styles of wines. I know the below can significantly vary by producer, year etc. Does the length of decant really matter? This is what I have so far:

Bordeaux red:
Below 5 years:

  • High-end producer - 8 hours
  • Med-range producer - 4 hours
    5-10 years
  • High-end producer - 5 hours
  • Med-range producer - 2 hours
    10-20 years
  • High-end producer - 1-2 hours

Burgundy red:
Below 5 years:

  • High-end producer - 4 hours
  • Med-range producer - 2 hours
    5-10 years
  • High-end producer - 2 hours
  • Med-range producer - 1 hour

Piemonte red:
Below 5 years:

  • High-end producer - 8 hours
  • Med-range producer - 4 hours
    5-10 years
  • High-end producer - 5 hours
  • Med-range producer - 2 hours
    10-20 years
  • High-end producer - 1-2 hours

Napa red:
Below 5 years:

  • High-end producer - 4 hours
  • Med-range producer - 2 hours
    5-10 years
  • High-end producer - 2 hours
  • Med-range producer - 1 hour

Again, I know the above will vary depending on the producer, sub-region, quality level etc. etc. I am just trying to gauge what others have experience.



if there is sediment or the wine needs air, decant. For me it’s that simple. I don’t fret re aeration time (what you call decantation time) but watch the wine develop in the glass. Pop, decant, pour.

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You have Piedmont backwards. The older the wine, the longer the decant or at least slow aeration. Young nebbiolo shuts down with decanting time, more often than not.

The others, I’m mostly with Alan. Decant off sediment for sure. As for aeration, if it’s so young it needs 8 hours to show at all, you’re better off leaving it in the cellar. Or get on board with the point of opening a young wine being to learn what that wine is like young, not turning it into a slightly oxidized, slightly stale facsimile of the aged version. Let it open in the glass and learn about the wine instead of trying to turn it into something it’s not.

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This is a good point about Piemonte, I agree. With Bordeaux, I am opening a lot of 2016s right now, and I have found at first…shut down, but after 8 hours they really open up, hence why I have the above decanting time.