d'Angerville, Fourrier, and Mugneret Gibourg: Burgundy Lovers, Please Help Profile these Domaines

Dear burgundy lovers,

Could you please take a few minutes to profile some popular domaines? In this thread, and a similar one on the UK Wine Pages, we derived criteria on which to evaluate domaines and maisons. Now is the time to see if it works. We’ll run a pilot of three domaines. If there is sufficient interest / response, I will provide summaries for each domaine. Then we can decide whether it’s worth continuing with more domaines. Thanks!

Pilot Burgundy House Style Guide (d’Angerville, Fourrier, and Mugernet Gibourg)

Project Goal - to provide a broad profile of the house style of burgundy domaines and maisons.

Why? - Learning about burgundy by trying random bottles can be fun, but it can also be expensive and discouraging. If this project works it will help wine lovers, who don’t already know all the domaines, understand the style that domaines generally display. This can be used to try various styles in tastings or to steer enthusiasts to wines they might enjoy.

Methodology - Have burgundy drinkers on two bulletin boards provide feedback on various criteria for individual domaines and negotiants. Posters will give their opinion on how wines in early maturity (say, 10-15 years after vintage) compare to others within Burgundy.

Criteria: For the pilot let’s use these criteria (rated 1-5, from least to most):

Savoury Nose - none(fruit-driven) to very savoury (sous-bois, game, etc…)
Perceived Stems - none (1) to floral (3) to overtly stemmy (5)
Acidity - low (fat) to high (sharp)
Density - light bodied to great fruit intensity / extraction
Ripeness - lean to very sweet-fruited
Elegance - one dimensional / clumsy to very balanced with finesse
Perceived Oakiness - none to dominant
Perceived Manipulation - minimal manipulation to highly polished
Structure - easy-to-drink young to tough/hard/requiring long aging.

How can people use the results - Results can be used in many ways. Intially, I will provide a summary for each estate, including a spider-graph. In the long run, it can be used to answer questions like, “Which domaines are most difficult to enjoy young?” or “I prefer elegant wines, like X; are there any similar in style?”

Pilot Domaines - I selected three that are board favorites to increase the response size. I will try to post the pilot later tonight. I look forward to your responses!

Please hit reply (and delete the content above the line, if you like), then fill in the values / comments below


Criteria: (rate 1-5, from least to most):
Savoury Nose -
Perceived Stems -
Acidity -
Density -
Ripeness -
Elegance -
Perceived Oakiness -
Perceived Manipulation -
Structure -


Criteria: (rate 1-5, from least to most):

Savoury Nose -
Perceived Stems -
Acidity -
Density -
Ripeness -
Elegance -
Perceived Oakiness -
Perceived Manipulation -
Structure -


Mugneret Gibourg
Criteria: (rate 1-5, from least to most):

Savoury Nose -
Perceived Stems -
Acidity -
Density -
Ripeness -
Elegance -
Perceived Oakiness -
Perceived Manipulation -
Structure -


too much work for me - I’m retired (well, until tomorrow when I officially start my new job).

me, too, not retired but too contemplative a project. just want to drink it. But I admire those who make the effort.

How about:-
d’Angerville 1
Fourrier 1
Mugneret gibourg 1
on the Weinberg binary scale

d’Angerville - Buy
Fourrier - Buy
Mugneret-Gibourg - Buy
on the Bill Nanson scale

To me this sort of analysis is way too complicated to convert into an understanding of the beauty of each of these wines.

These are all truly top notch producers, which to me embody all that is great about Burgundy.
d’Angerville - savoury, structured
Fourrier - fine, pretty and lithe
Mugneret -Gibourg - gravitas, brooding.

I think it’s a laudable effort to describe estates’ styles for the benefit of those newer to burg. It takes forever to sort this out by yourself. But I can’t really bond with all of the catgegories that folks have picked out. I’d simply say, “in two to three words, describe the style of these estates”.