I just looked at my CT data of Dagueneau’s wines. The listed drinking window of the '07 Silex, taken from James Molesworth’s Wine Spectator review, is 2010-2012. I tried this wine in November and though it still quite young, with years before peak. I love the intense mineral inflection, and the powerful fruit and ripeness without high alcohol. With ample acidity to balance, ths Silex seems a wine that would age well. However, I’ve never had an older Dagueneau, so I can’t say for sure…
I’ve had older Dageneau Silex and they can be delicious - not what you’d expect of SB. A good friend knows Didier well and is the UK importer - I’ll ask him if you like? My own view is 5 years +.
I have both Silex and Pur Sang from 00’, just drank a bottle last year and I would say it’s just coming into it’s own.
I am not going to touch the remainder of the mixed case for at least 2 years.
Hope that helps.
Didier died in 2008 btw, so 2007 was his last full vintage. His son makes the wines now.
I’ve had only limited experience due to the price, but would agree w/ the 5-10.
I had the 2007 Silex last summer and it was excellent, but seemed like it could easily age several more years.
having had many examples as young as 2-3 years old to 10+ i can for my palate (and generally speaking i like older wines, esp chablis, champagne, riesling) say these wines are best young or youngish. i for one, at least to my palate never saw an older SB from may he RIP Didier or anyone else better or more interesting than when it was young (2-5) years.
Hi there,
The last bottle of Silex I purchased was a 2005 that I opened with Jacques Seysses at Domaine Dujac. On tasting it he said, “Why did you buy this? It’s expensive and I know you’ll hate it. I don’t want to drink any more.” His son Jeremy chimed in “David is weird and buys things just to show they are horrible. You hate it don’t you David, and I bet you feel really pleased that you do?” They know me too well. Consequently, the drinking window I’d suggest for Silex is: out the nearest one.
I feel they are at their best shortly (1-2 years) after release after which time they start to lose their freshness.
I don’t have any experience with aging the wine, but I had the '07 recently and thought it was way too young, or maybe I just don’t like it. I should mention that I’ve had a Pur Sang and it was the best Sauv Blanc I’ve ever had. The Silex was too big and ripe for my liking, almost bordering on the NZ style. I see people talking about how minerally it is, but I thought that took a back seat to the fruit, and several others agreed. It was also grassier than I would expect from such a ripe SB. I think some time would help, though. Based on how well the 2002 henri bourgeois sancerre le md is drinking right now, I would have no problem holding a Silex until it was at least as old, and probably even longer. But, that’s just a wild guess, so I guess it’s not too helpful.
I’ll be waiting beneath your window with my catcher’s mitt!
It really depends on what you like in these types of wine. We consistently bought Silex and Pur Sang from 2000-2007 and we always felt they were a little difficult right off the bat doe to the sulphur but after a year or so they were astonishingly delicious. Felt the drinking windows, in general extended to about 4 years from vintage date. Just had the '07 Silex last month and while it is still good there was a discernible flattening of the wine’s flavors as it moved into a more honeycomb-ed sort of palalte presence. Some folks really like that. I prefer these wines for their ability to sing at such high toned levels of acidity. I egt why people enjoy these with more age than we do. We just have loved them for their explosive brightness in their relative youth.
Haven’t tried the Silex, but a 2002 Pur Sang was great just last year.
What would be your opinion on 2009 Didier Dagueneau Blanc Fumé de Pouilly?
Just opened a 2005 about 3 weeks ago and it was fantastic. Still very vibrant and youthful. I’m not sure that there is any particular reason to wait, but based on that bottle I wouldn’t be concerned with letting it cellar for maybe another year or two or possibly even longer, particularly if the 2002 Pur Sang that I had about a year ago and was drinking well is representative.
Is he arranging a seance?
Is your friend John Edward Rich?
Having had the '05 twice in the past few months, my only comment is that, for me, these wines are screaming delish at about 90 min decant. So I’m not sure if that bodes well for aging or is just the sweet spot for a relatively young wine, but it was in my top 5 WOTY last year. Just wish it was half the price…
I have an 01. Actually had it in my wine bag tonight as a choice for the group I was dining with. I think I might have waited too long. Hoping not.
How very insufferable you must be in real life.
Oh Kyle, as far as ad hominem attacks go that’s pretty feeble. I’ve had far more people being far more competently offensive to me than that. I’m almost have the vague idea about beginning to think about being slightly insulted by your lacklustre effort. If you want to be needlessly rude to someone you don’t know in a public forum best to really apply yourself, don’t you think?
Certainly. And if you want to make yourself feel more important, there are better ways to go about it than to name-drop and hate on something generally considered to be great because you’re some self-named “elitist.”