Coravin for Sparkling Wine is a Sodastream

I’ve seen a lot of home hacks of people trying to carbonate still wine at home with varying degrees of success with a sodastream. I was thought it was a bit foolish until I saw Coravin’s sparkling wine preservation system. As a very slow wine drinker I do enjoy my standard Coravin, but I’m finding it hard to find a use case for the sparkling model (I do think sparkling wines tend to be easier for me to finish). I think perhaps wine distributors, importers, retailers, restaurants perhaps need a product like this to keep showing a sparkling wine over the course of a night and perhaps 1-3 days.

I’d imagine forcing CO2 back in would disturb any (fine) sediment thus negating any thought I had of re-invigorating older vintage champagnes. I suppose another idea would be to double decant back into the bottle and then re-carbonate the wine. Have any of you tried this new champagne oriented Coravin?

Yep, there’s been a few threads on this bad boy. Here’s one Coravin Sparkling - thoughts? - WINE TALK - WineBerserkers

Seems like the general consensus is that its pretty pricey to preserve champagne for up to a couple weeks.

Plus…I’d be scared as hell to use that thing!

I’d be okay using it on bottles of wines that use the traditional method since the pressure in the bottle is already quite high. I’m not sure if I’d do it with thinner walled prosecco, cava, etc. bottles. I had a weird pour out of my regular Coravin. I wasn’t sure if it was the wine or the Coravin did something to the wine. Has anyone had this happen with 100% clean device?

I had a pretty nice Australian Shiraz taste like crayons when I Coravin’d it and I can’t tell if it’s a botched bottle or not.

Nope! Was a pretty early adopter with Coravin and have loved it from the start. As long as I use it on corks 20 years old or younger, purge the needle before/after use, and open a bottle once there’s only 1/3 of the wine left, my hit rate is very, VERY high.

Maybe I got a cooked bottle. Oh well it was a gift so no loss to me.

An open bottle of wine in my house has a lifespan of hours, never days or weeks, which is probably why I haven’t used my Pungo (similar to Coravin) in years. That said, with champagne I’ve found that blasting some “Wine Preserver” in the bottle plus a champagne stopper generally keeps the wine good and sparkling for at least a few days.

Beyond that, I’ve also found that a lot of champagne takes on an interesting flavor profile after it goes flat, as long as the wine itself doesn’t go over the hill.

Sounds like a medical procedure for enlarged prostates.