Coravin advice needed

My sisters and I are considering buying one as a gift for a friend who enjoya wine a great deal but doesn’t drink much at any one time and doesn’t entertain much either. I’ve never considered one for myself and when I went to the website I learned there are a variety of purchase options. Other than to know not to get the one for sparkling wine, I have no idea which to buy and what to look for. But I bet plenty of people here do - even if they no longer use one. So please share your thoughts.

Pivot is great if you want to enjoy the wine in 2 ish weeks
Standard coravins are pretty good if you’re not stingy with gas
Anecdotally heard the sparkling coravin is good, but also have had some champagnes from restaurants who use it for their btg program and found the wines still in good condition.

The sparkling model is a big leap up in price if you’re not sure if someone will use it. I would push someone more to the Pivot since you can use it only pretty much any still bottle of wine and not limited to natural cork.

I have the original model from 10+ yrs back and it’s been great. I’d stick to the argon capsule models as they’re tried and tested at this point. As for which model, any of them will do the job. It comes down to materials and packaging on a lot of them. Stock up on argon around Black Friday when they run good promotions.

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We have both the needle (OG) version and a Pivot in our tasting room.

The needle version is good for natural cork, but I’ve heard it is more likely to break in composite/diam closures. The screw-cap accessories to use the needle work for a time, but after enough uses (many dozens, possibly hundreds) the seal isn’t 100% and so the wine slowly oxidizes.

The pivot is good to enjoy a wine over the course of a week or two. The longest we keep bottles with the pivot is two weekends (open it during weekend #1, if we haven’t poured through it by the end of weekend #2 it goes home). The pivot is also universal for any still wine regardless of closure type.

Any of the regular argon models are great! Id for sure go with those over any of the others.

Check out Offer Up or Ebay. Lots of people get them as gifts and never use them once. You’re welcome :wink:

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Coravin lasts for about a week. Therefore try Repour- super inexpensive, throw away after one bottle. Caveat bottle has to remain upright. Works same or better.

One advantage of Coravin (or ultimately its demise) is it allows a small oxygen leak helping a newer wine open up a bit which at or around a couple days is beneficial and then downhill from there. More noticeable old wines less so newer wines.