Copper River Salmon news!

I just spoke to my guy at Costco and he doesn’t think they’ll be getting anymore Copper River salmon due to a very poor run this year. He even heard they’ll be ending the season today or tomorrow. Also it looks like salmon runs in Alaska have been poor in other rivers." onclick=“;return false;” onclick=";return false;

o/u on bob complaining that this is just a scam to drive the price even higher and that copper river salmon isnt worth the tariff


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Saw some wild Sockeye in a local fish store for $34.00 a lb.! God knows how much the Copper River will cost me.

It isn’t. It’s all marketing, but fish runs are variable and if there are no fish there’s no price to drive higher. neener

Copper River fish are fine if you live away from the Pacific Northwest - at least you can usually get fish that way. Here in the Northwest, I’d much rather have a spring-run Columbia River Chinook (same holds for Fraser River and Sacramento River - if legal) or a troll-caught coastal fish. They’re fresher (the fish we get were usually swimming in the ocean the previous day at the latest), they tend to carry a little more fat, and they’re a hell of a lot cheaper than $35/pound!


Copper River run is very low this year. They typically open/close/open/close the season during the run. Next anticipated open season for commercial is Monday June 7th although a further update is scheduled for this afternoon.

$24/lb here.

got some at Costco last week.

As for Sitka the Kings are a couple weeks behind schedule though the numbers are good 50-75 miles out.Everyone I talk to are expecting a normal run albeit late.

Fresh king has hit my local restaurants. The only salmon for me. Had it 3 nights in a row including 5 pieces of sashimi last night. Worth the wait.

I saw some Copper River Sockeye at the store today - $20/lb. Local Chinook was $14/lb. Why would anyone buy an inferior fish for more money?

I second that. And it still tastes better after being shipped to the East Coast.

We have limited every day we have gotten out,though they are just now starting to show up in Sitka Sound.My middle son was up for a few days and caught the biggest so far,just shy of 40#.Fish are averaging 25-30.Talked to a friend on the Kenai and it has been unusually spotty for this time of year.Commercial season opens tommorow so things will come to a crawl around here for a couple weeks.