Anyone ever see this? I don’t recall seeing it fresh down here, but I would love to know if there is any hope.
Anyone ever see this? I don’t recall seeing it fresh down here, but I would love to know if there is any hope.
I have seen it in the past…I don’t think last year, but definitely the year before. Will make a run today and scope out West Plano.
I picked up a nice sockeye fillet at my Costco in Indianapolis, IN about an hour ago. They had maybe 5-6 available, with a sell-by date of 5/27 so they must have just hit. I’ve heard other Costco’s selling them cheaper, but this was $14.99/lb.
Nothing today at West Plano. They did have some Blue Marlin, Halibut and Opah.
Just fly it in yourself from Anchorage. A bit pricier, but as fresh as fish can be without you catching it yourself. Mine arrives same day FedEx Friday (tomorrow). About 12 hours water to grill. YUM!
Do you use" onclick=";return false;? I have been considering ordering from there – you place your order, then they supposedly go catch it and send it to you. If not F2M, what is your source?
I have a personal relationship with a fisherman who does this for me. No I don’t see him catch the fish so he could be lying, sure, but I doubt it. And what arrives is some of the best fish I’ve ever had in my life. I’ve converted people who “don’t eat salmon” to die hard CRS fans who move their schedules around to be sure to be at my yearly party.
Never seen that. Very good pricing though. Has anyone used their services?
I’ll give them a shot in a week or two and report back. I agree, some of the prices are attractive.
For those of us that don’t happen to have personal relationships with a fishmonger, where the salmon jumps out of the water and into a FedEx box, it’s hard to beat the convenience and price of Copper River at Costco. Sure, it’s Sockeye and not the King salmon, but it’s also not $36/lb.
I don’t discount CostCo or even Whole Foods. There are Copper River Seafoods and FishEx. Which I would assume would be minimal handling compared to the CostCo or WF supply chain and cut a day or 4 off the transit time?
Update for the N. Texas folks - called in the product number today (thanks to Kent Z’s picture!) and was told none in the Texas region and none on order. Bummer!
Anyone know if you can request a product? I’m certain it would sell like crazy considering the next cheapest price I have found for the sockeye locally is over $30/lb.
Prices will also continue to drop as the season goes on. It started off cheaper than last year, a larger Sockeye run so greater supply for about the same demand. And once the novelty wears off that “it’s Copper River Salmon Season” [thank_you.gif] the demand also slows a bit.
Try Copper River Seafoods or FishEx